MERI MEHANDI? (My Henna?) Assalamalikum, Alhamdulillahi - TopicsExpress


MERI MEHANDI? (My Henna?) Assalamalikum, Alhamdulillahi rabbil Aalameen wo salatu salam ala ashrafil ambiyai wal mursaleen. A friend of mine suggested last time to write what comes in mind and then give the article a suitable title. So here I am :). It was Friday afternoon and Sarah went out shopping with her family.Way back home she got her hand painted with beautiful Henna design. She was happy to see the fine design on the hand beautifying the hand.Soon it was Isha time and they headed towards a Masjid.The male members went to the Masjid as Adhan was over and Jamath was due to start soon.Sarah looked at her hand and thought, Meri Mehandi?she was whispered and she thought, I will go home and pray Isha later. But she was not satisfied.She remembered her teacher telling, if u hears Adhan and you are in masjid than you can’t leave without praying that prayer. Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) ordered us that: If you are in the Masjid and the Adhan is pronounced, then one of you should not leave until he has prayed. (Musnad of Imam Ahmad) Sayyiduna Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:Whoever is in the Masjid and the call for prayer (adhan) is made, then he leaves, he does not leave for a need neither does he intend to return, then this person is a hypocrite. (Sunan Ibn Majah, no. 734) She was almost in the Masjid area as she was in her car in parking area. She could also see the separate prayer room for ladies just in from of her.She thought, even after 1 hour I will have to remove the henna to do wodu.By delaying prayer I will come under category of people described in Surah Maun. So woe to the worshippers Who are neglectful of their Prayers,(Surah Maun :4-5) More over the effect of henna is already seen on hand, delay will not have much good effect on color.Is it something to displease Allah? Alhamdulillah, she won the battle against shaiytan. She walked out of the car, made wudo and prayed with jamat and to her surprise next day her henna was bright red and the design lasted for weeks. She would look at it and smile and be thankful to Allah for pulling her up. How many times in a day we go through same situation? While reading something? Cooking? Cleaning? Writing? Taking? Driving? etc We really need to take Adhan as a call. An urgent call. An emergency call. As a whistle of cooker to which we run to close the stove to avoid spoiling our food.We have to overcome our Nafs or desires. Alhamdulillah our conscious speaks to us but we should listen to and respond to it quickly.Oh Allah! make it easy for us to pray on time without delay. Accept our good deeds. Forgive our sins. Oh Allah! be pleased with us. Aameen.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:52:28 +0000

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