==MERLIN== SEASON 1,EPISODE 1,SCENE 3 THE DRAGONS CALL [32:11, GAIUS CHAMBERS] [Gaius enters Merlins messy chamber and picks up his clothes.] GAIUS Oi! [Merlin wakes.] GAIUS Have you seen the state of this room?! MERLIN It just happens. GAIUS By magic? MERLIN Yeah. GAIUS Yes. Well, you can clear it up without magic. And then I want you to get me some herbs: henbane, wormwood, and sorrel. And deliver this to Morgana. Poor girls suffering from nightmares. [Gaius tosses some more clothes at Merlin.] MERLIN Mmm, I know the feeling. [32:46, INT. KING’S PALACE, MORGANA’S CHAMBERS – DAY] [Merlin walks through the Griffin Landing and up some curved steps to Morganas Chambers. Merlin enters the open door and stares at Morgana as she walks behind her changing screen.] MORGANA You know, Ive been thinking about Arthur. I wouldnt touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you Gwen? [Merlin pauses uncertainly before fetching the dress. Morgana begins undressing.] MORGANA I mean, the mans a total jouster. And just because Im the Kings ward, that doesnt mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it. [Merlin places the gown on the screen.] MORGANA Well, does it? MERLIN (high pitched) (shakes head) Mm-Mmm. MORGANA If he wants me to go, then he should invite me, and he hasnt. [Merlin tries to figure a way out of his situation.] MORGANA So do you know what that means? MERLIN (high pitched) (shakes head) Mm-Mmm. MORGANA Where are you? [Morgana looks over the screen and Merlin holds up one of her cloaks to hide his face.] MERLIN (high pitched) Here. [Merlin peeks through the neck of the cloak.] MORGANA It means Im going by myself. [Merlin puts the cloak down and starts to leave.] MORGANA I need some help with this fastening. [Merlin turns around and stops, at a loss for what to do. Gwen enters behind him.] MORGANA Gwen? GWEN Im here. [Merlin spins around.] GWEN (mouths) What are you doing here? [Merlin sighs in relief and motions that Morgana needs help dressing.] GWEN (mouths) Oh. [Gwen nods. Merlin mouths something to Gwen before he leaves and she helps Morgana. Morgana comes out behind the screen in a new dress, carrying another gown.] MORGANA So, its whether I wear this little tease... [Morgana looks at her dress in the mirror and then holds up a maroon gown.] MORGANA or give them a night theyll really remember. -- [34:14, LADY HELENS GUEST CHAMBERS - NIGHT] [The serving girl, Bronwen, brings a bowl of fruit to Lady Helens guest chambers and knocks. Mary (Lady Helen) opens the door.] BRONWEN Lady Helen.[curtsies]Compliments of the King. HELEN Come in. [Helen sits at her vanity table and picks up an apple.] HELEN So sweet. How will I ever repay him? BRONWEN When he hears you sing. Well, that will be more than enough wont it? Im really looking forward to the performance. HELEN So am I. BRONWEN I love singing, you know. I sing all the time. My betrothed says I have the voice of a fallen angel. [Bronwen removes the cloth over the mirror and sees Mary Collinss reflection. the girl tries to leave, but Mary grabs her arm and drains the life from her.] -- [35:23, BANQUET HALL - DAY] [Court members gather in the Banquet Hall. Gaius and Merlin enter. Merlin sees Arthur joking with his mates.] ARTHUR Merlin...[they laugh]... so I stood up and...[feints a punch into one of his mates stomach. They laugh. Arthur turns and does a double take as Morgana walks into his line of sight. All the men stare]. ARTHUR God have mercy. [Merlin stares at Morgana as she passes him.] GAIUS Merlin. Remember, youre here to work. MERLIN Oh, yeah. [Merlin continues to stare at Morgana as Arthur approaches to talk to her. Gwen sidles up next to Merlin.] ARTHUR[lip reading] Morgana, you look well... GUINEVERE She looks great, doesnt she? MERLIN Yeah. GUINEVERE Some people are just born to be queen. MERLIN No! GUINEVERE I hope so. One day. Not that Id want to be her. Whod want to marry Arthur? MERLIN Oh,[chuckle]come on, Gwen. I thought you liked those real rough, tough, save the world kind of men. GUINEVERE No, I like much more ordinary men like you. MERLIN Gwen, believe me, Im not ordinary. GUINEVERE No, I didnt mean you, obviously. Not you. But just, you know, I like much more ordinary men like you. MERLIN Thanks. [They turn away from each other awkwardly.] -- [37:07, LADY HELENS GUEST CHAMBERS - NIGHT] [Mary (Helen) hums at her vanity table before leaving the room, walking past Bronwens corpse. Celebratory horns signal King Uthers entrance and everyone finds their place at the tables.] UTHER We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora. [Applause. Music begins and the Uther and the court take their seats. Helen sings. The court members begin nodding off to sleep. Merlin notices and presses his hands over his ears. cobwebs begin forming over the enchanted sleepers. Merlin notices her staring at Arthur as she walks forward. She pulls a dagger from her sleeve. Merlin magically drops the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger. Court members wake and pull the cobwebs off, muttering. Uther and Arthur stand up to see Mary Collins lying on the floor. Mary raises herself up enough to throw the dagger at Arthur. Merlin slows down time to reach Arthur and pull him out of harms way. The dagger slices into Arthurs chair as they fall to the floor. Mary dies. Uther and Arthur stare at Merlin.] UTHER You saved my boys life. A debt must be repaid. MERLIN Oh, well... UTHER Dont be so modest. You shall be rewarded. MERLIN No, honestly, you dont have to, Your Highness. UTHER No, absolutely. This merits something quite special. MERLIN Well... UTHER You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthurs manservant. [Court applauds.] ARTHUR Father! [Gwen claps with a pitying smile on her face. Arthur and Merlin look away from each other unhappily.] -- [41:13, GAIUS CHAMBERS - DAY] [Gaius knocks on Merlins chamber door and enters.] GAIUS Seems youre a hero. MERLIN Hard to believe, isnt it? GAIUS No. I knew it from the moment I met you. When you saved my life, remember? MERLIN But...that was magic. GAIUS[nods] And now, it seems, we finally found a use for it. MERLIN What do you mean? GAIUS I saw how you saved Arthurs life. MERLIN: Oh, no. GAIUS Perhaps thats its purpose. MERLIN[sighs] My destiny. GAIUS Indeed. This book was given to me when I was your age, but I have a feeling it will be of more use to you than it was to me. [Gaius hands Merlin a book wrapped in a cloth. Merlin unlatches it and looks inside.] MERLIN[snorts] But this is a book of magic. GAIUS Which is why you must keep it hidden. MERLIN I will study every word. [Knocking on door of the Physicians Chambers.] GUARD Merlin, Prince Arthur wants you right away. GAIUS Your destinys calling. Youd better find out what he wants. Episode 2 loading... Whats ur take on the story so far written?
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:22:07 +0000

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