MERRRY MERRRY MERRRY Wednesday morning my pretttys...Wow hey, - TopicsExpress


MERRRY MERRRY MERRRY Wednesday morning my pretttys...Wow hey, already the middle of the week!!! Communication day is our Wednesdays & boy have I had some dooozy conversations, ha & not sooo ha...Blesss...A relative has passed & was quite a sad passsing...For her that is, she didnt want to leave her family & certainly wasnt about to tell me that she had cancer again & she chose to let it take her...I was supposed to write to her, return a letter from hers, please dont put these things off my pretttys, yep, busy as I have been, we both had our tears & worked through our guilt last night...I am sooo blessed & grateful to have these gifts, I saw her go with her favourite cousin, my Grandfather, my Nan was there too, sooo excited to see her again & Romas Mum was there, YAY, she sooo went happpily then...See you tomorrow our darling friend & relative, sooo we can say TA-TA for now, for me, he he he, it has only just begun, YAY, I get to see her ANYTIME I want or neeed, he he he...Dont put offf until tomorrow, if you can do today hey!!! Yesterday was a BLAST, we danced, we Zumbad, we played African drums, we laughed, a FABOULOUS day was had by ALLL...I merry met some GORGEOUS folk, now to be life long friends...Caught up with the ol & grooovy friends, YAY, LOVED working along side my gooody friend Shazza again...he he he...With only being 3 weeks out of surgery, ha, a little rest today will be goood for me, ha...How though, could I not dance, the music was great, the Zumba instructor was lovely on the eyes, he he he & inspired us to grooove along with him, he he he...*CHEEERS to Mental Health Month, depression doesnt single anyone out, like Cancer, anyone can get it...BLESSS...Years ago, when I found out I had endometriosis, we tackled it with contraception pills, YUCK, these muck with ladies emotions & can become quite mooody, blesss...I had the 3 month injection, to stop the menstrual cycle, but what happened, I spiralled into a depression & went on anti-depressants, YEP, this POSITIVE WITCHYPOOO went through it, & YAY, for ALLL, we can come OUT OF IT as I have proved time & time again with my challenges...*CHEEERS to that...I see it as a PIT, a dark pit, that day by day, we can throw pebbles out, then we can start throwing rocks out, then boulders, then YAY, YOUR OUT...It is a PROCESSS, sooo if you have someone around you that you feel is suffering, please help them throw their rocks out & get them out of this dark hole!!! With my mediation sessions coming up SOOON AS I GET SOMEWHERE TO DO THEM, there are meditations to help get those rocks out...YAY & *CHEEERS to mediation...My healings can help tooo, I kind of put you in a bit of a meditated state & can show you ways to help rid of negative emotions, get to the nitty gritty of WHY you are feeling this way...Knowledge is key my pretttys, if you KNOW, you CAN GO ABOUT & FIX IT hey...WOOO HOOO... Righto, ha, I really best get going, communication to be had EVERYWHERE, ha, if you would LOVE to come & see me, get your Tarot read, find your solutions, receive messages from loved ones, have a healing & meditation, yep, do one on one for now, have me do a spell for LOVE, a career, a move, selling your house, you name it, please dont hesitate to contact me...ha, US...0410026488 or 0269534996...Or you can always leave a message on here...MWAH...YEP, as you can seee, my posts will be a tad different now, still helpful & guiding, you know the saying, A change is as goood as a holiday they say...he he he... Quote for the day - He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determine the end. -- Harry Emerson Fosdick. Song for the day - youtube/watch?v=1TO48Cnl66w THANKS BE TO ALLL, GOD, JESUS, ANGELS, ANCESTORS, SPIRIT, ALLL in the Holy Spirit realm, ALLL on this blessed Earths realm...We LOVE you LOTS, PLEASE LOVE yourselves...We send you LIGHT, HEALTH, HAPPINESS, PEACE, FAITH, TRUST, PATIENCE, GRATITUDE, KNOWLEDGE, SOLUTIONS, CLIMBING OUT OF THAT HOLE, ABUNDANCE & MAGIC/MAGICK...OHHH, how I LOVE MAGIC...It sooo is around each & everyone of us...You just have to OPEN YOUR EYES, he he he...Have a GROOOVY day my lovelys, as I SURE WILL & )O( #feelingthankful
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 22:48:04 +0000

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