MESOP : US leverages Iran-Iraq-Syria axis against Islamic State - TopicsExpress


MESOP : US leverages Iran-Iraq-Syria axis against Islamic State (IMPERIALISM + MULLAHISM CONTRA ISLAMISM) 29-9-2014 – AL MONITOR - Last week, this column, picking up on US Secretary of State John Kerry’s remark to the UN Security Council on Sept. 19 that Iran has a role to play in the coalition against the Islamic State (IS), suggested, “While the Obama administration has ruled out an alliance with Syria, Iran could be a bridge to Damascus within an international coalition against IS and in a subsequent political transition in Syria.” This week, Reuters, citing unnamed senior Iranian and US officials, reported that the United States had informed Iran in advance of airstrikes against IS forces in Syria and assured Tehran that it would not target Syrian government positions. Read all:
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:00:11 +0000

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