MESSAGE FROM ENR. MUSTAFA BELLO TO THE PEOPLE OF NIGER STATE I humbly write to notify you, the good people of Niger State, to render once again, my selfless service to our dear State. As the largest State in Nigeria with huge potentials to drive growth in other States in economic development, we have all it takes to place the State on the super highway of rapid and sustainable growth and development. I seek to provide purposeful, vision driven, responsible, open and transparent leadership, for which I humbly ask for your support in this Endeavour. By February 6th 2015, Niger State will be 39 years and will be electing another Governor in the same year. Niger @39 has a golden opportunity for the people of the State to elect a leader that will salvage and further transform the State as it prepares to celebrate its 40 years of creation. Niger State is endowed with human and natural resources as well as the support m anpower which if properly harnessed would move the State to a higher level. Today it profiles many of its distinguished Sons and daughters that have played a role in modern Nigeria. An epitaph of Nigeria will never be completed without acknowledging some of its illustrious citizens. The State has a reputation as a birthplace of first Nigerian President, Dr. Nnamadi Azikiwe, two former presidents of the Country in person of Generals Ibrahim B.Babangida and Abdulsalam Abubakar, Former Chief of Defense Staff, General M.I Wushsishi, former Chief Justice of the federation Justice, former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, the country’s single biggest collection of retired Military generals, DIG’s and AIG’s of the Nigeria Police, former Ministers of Finance, FCT, Information, Commerce , Foreign Affairs and Agriculture, Judges, Power, Bankers, Business Moguls, Journalists, Industrialists, over 35 Professors, over 100 PhD holders and thousands of its professionals as a career public servants and the Organized private sector. Although government has financial resource limits and as a result may not be in position to solve all our problems, I however believe that the rich vast human resoursc available at our disposal makes it impossible to accept failures and mediocrity, or to, consign ourcitezens to an inferior quality of life. We may have lost some historical values that bonded our people and the government together. But it is not to an extent that is beyondredemption. There is this feeling around that our best years may have been behind us, but I say to you with all confidence, that our State’s best are actually ahead. “It is now a time for Recovery. We should have faith again, we should be confident again, we should embrace the truth again and it is time for us to run our government, it is time for us to take a new look at the way we govern ourselves away from the tradition secretive governance.” Great citizens of our State, the past Governors the State had since its creation all did their best and laid emphasis on their own area of interest for the development of the State. I believe we can build upon the strong foundation laid by them drawing from my numerous exposures resulting from unmatched exposure locally, Nationally, as well as Internationally. Some of which include: ● I started my working career in Niger State since 1980 to 1984, which gave me an opportunity of first exposure to nearly every part of the State. There after I went to Private Sector practicing Engineering and partly politicking. ● I served Nigeria as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 1999-Nov. 2002 and there after as the Executive Secretaryand CEO of Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) from 2003-2014 In these capacities, I gained the prerequisite working knowledge of governance at central level having represented, negotiated and signed agreements on behalf of Nigeria in all the continents of the world. I have to my credit as the person that negotiated every investment opportunity that came to Nigeria between 1999- 2014 during my tenure as a Minister and CEO of NIPC. ● My vast working experience at both private and public sector is definitely an asset to the State . ● I am going to be consistent with my style of leadership, action plans are integral parts of any successful plans and I have already developed such a plan for our State that would be unfolded with time to the people of the state. ● Niger State is ranking in the World Bank Doing Business Report may not have been as favourable as we expected but we shall tune our growth and development plans to address our Soft and Hard infrastructural needs. ● I have remained a grassroots person and have a direct link with majority of the rural populace of the State and have a clear understanding of. ● I am a tested professional, administrator, technocrats, businessmen, politician and philanthropist. ● I have left a milestone that has remained unbeatable. ● I am armed with the rudiments of leadership qualities which I have exhibited in my previous places of assignments. ● I will use my vast contacts, connections and ideas to make Niger State a heaven for investment which will among other things create Job and speed up economic transformation of the State. My vision for this State and its future has been deepened and matured for long time. I intend to be a Governor who will not govern but provide the right leadership with vigor and vision and aggressive drive. A Governor who will not be isolated from the people, but who will be with you in your pains and share your dreams and take his strength, wisdom and his courage from you. I see a Niger State on the move again, as united, a diverse, vital, tolerant, proud and confident. The State will live up to the majesty of its constitution and the decency of its citizens. That is the Niger State we want and that is the Niger State that we will Insha Allah have. I am well equipped, well prepared and sufficiently exposed to provide and lead the process of restoration of Niger State world class standard. I therefore urge you all to trust and support our project to accomplish all that I have set forth for all of us. I therefore urge you all to support us and make our dream a reality so that together, we turn Niger State to an encyclopedia of good governance in Nigeria. Yours Sincerely, Engineer Mustafa Bello FNSE
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:48:49 +0000

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