MESSAGE FROM H.E. JESUS ZENEN BUERGO CONCEPCION, AMBASSADOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, ON OCCASION OF 56TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CUBAN REVOLUTION. On January 1st, 2015, the Cuban people arrive to the 56th Anniversary of its Revolution. In this day, of great significance and happiness, we celebrate the conclusion of our struggle for independence; a unique process that started on October 10th, 1868. It was aimed first, to get freedom after 400 years of the Spanish colonialism; and second, to rescue the interrupted independence from the U.S. dominium that lasted 59 years. The triumph of the popular insurrection on January 1st, 1959 paved the way to the complete exercise of sovereignty and independence by the people of Cuba. In this struggle the Cuban nation was forged. A nation with its very own stamp emerged from the mixture of European, African, Asian and Latino American roots; with a culture of peace and human projection, very proud of its own existence and very sensitive in defending its singularity. On January 8th, 1959, a week after the popular victory, Fidel characterized that historic moment: “I think this is the time of our History. Tyranny has been overthrown. The joy is immense. Yet much remains to be done. Let us not deceive in thinking that everything will be easy, maybe, from now on, everything will be more difficult”. With the triumph of the Cuban Revolution the excluded land people became into owners; there were created institutional, social and legal conditions for achieving full equally of man, the terrible dead time and unemployment disappeared, and working and studying became into real opportunities. These measures had particular significance for the most marginalized people and also for women and blacks. In half of a century on independent history, Cuba has been able to raise its people to his own stature. Its achievements in education, health system, social security, cultural, sport and scientific development and other are recognized all over the world. Faithful of its historic tradition and the path marked by its founding fathers, Cuba has put at the disposition of the humankind its modest advancements. On December 17, 2014 President Raul Castro addressing to the Nation said: “The heroic Cuban people, in the wake of serious dangers, aggressions, adversities and sacrifices has proven to be faithful and will continue to be faithful to our ideals of independence and social justice. Strongly united throughout these 56 years of Revolution, we have kept our unswerving loyalty to those who died in defense of our principles since the beginning of our independence wars in 1868”. December 17, 2014 will go down in Latin American history as the day on which the Cuban revolution, triumphant since 1959, was finally accepted by the US government as an irreversible fact, thereby recognizing the legitimacy of the road opened by Cuba for all the peoples of Latin America to move towards the affirmation of their political independence. Also, we celebrated this day the release of all our heroes, that we called ´´The Cuban Five Cause´´. Few, if anyone, could have imagined that the heroic sacrifice of a small group of brave and talented Cuban patriots could lead to such a dramatic outcome. Risking their lives, they were able to infiltrate –unarmed– the Cuban criminal gangs at the service of organizations in the US government which, from south Florida systematically assaulted Cuba with total impunity. These young patriots were arrested after the results of their inquiries were placed in the hands of US authorities by the Cuban government. There followed a legal process plagued by manipulations and forgeries which resulted in long sentences. These have just been interrupted following an agreement at the highest political level between presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama. Now, the agreements announced on December 17, 2014, have laid the groundwork for Cuba to move towards the completion of the major social objectives of its socialist program. In regard to this aim President Raul Castro said: “We propose to the Government of the United States the adoption of mutual steps to improve the bilateral atmosphere and advance towards normalization of relations between our two countries, based on the principles of International Law and the United Nations Charter”. In other hand as a result of the global economic crisis, which Cuba has not escaped, deficiencies persist, but difficulties must be faced with the intelligent effort of all. In spite of the fact that the Cuban economy continued its progress within the current year, does not reach the expected goals. TheGross DomesticProduct grew 1.3 %, lower than the 2.2 % planned. Even in these circumstances very complex, has managed to maintain similar levels in the social services, such as for example, the health and education, among others, which are provided free to the entire Cuban population. Huge interest has attracted the creation of the Special Development Area of Mariel, destined to become an important pole of attraction for foreign investment and at the same time in testing ground in modern technologies and new forms and methods of business management, in harmony with the preservation of the environment. At the end of January2014 we opened the first phase of the Container Terminal being built there, along with other vital infrastructure and for which we have enjoyed with the funding provided by the government of Brazil. Also, in this year Cuba has approved a new Foreign Investment Law, the legislation was approved by the National Assembly of People’s Power on March 29/2014, as part of the updating of the country’s economic model currently underway, in accordance with Guidelines established by the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba in 2011. That law is directed toward all potential international investors interested in different sectors of the Cuban economy, and is intended to promote growth and the generation of wealth, which can ultimately be distributed among all Cuban citizens. Every year, in November, Cuban authorities organizing FIHAV, an International Business Fair at ExpoCuba in Havana, that has a wonderful opportunities for foreigns entrepreneurs and businessman to know more about the chances to invest in our island. The gradual progress continues not only in education, public health, biotechnology, culture, tourism and social security, but in all areas to maintain the sovereign nation status, dignity and independence. Last October 28, 2014, Cuba submitted to the consideration of the UN General Assembly a resolution entitled ¨Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba¨. This resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of countries with a total of 188 votes in favour, 2 against (U.S. and ISRAEL) and 3 abstentions. We are very grateful to the Government and people of Pakistan because during 23 years we had received a full support voting a favour of this Resolution. I would like to convey my deep appreciation to all friends and people of Pakistan in this special day. It is a proof of the strong and deep friendship that exists between our two countries. This is a good occasion to highlight our similarities as nations, our struggles for independence, sovereignty and self-determination. We are two nations that lived under colonial dominium and fought to be independent countries. We are countries very proud that struggled for a better future and two peoples that loved their motherland. With pride and great satisfaction we will have in 2015, several remarkable anniversaries. Firstly, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between our two countries.Secondly, the 10th anniversary of the arrival of the Cuban medical brigadeto Pakistan, with 2.600 members; they were first foreigner assistance who came to Pakistan after the earthquake of October 8, 2005 and the last foreign group to leave the country after almost 7 months of stay. This action resulted in the opening of 32 field hospitals and Cuba provided all the necessary medicines in that so tragic moment. At the time of farewell all these hospitals, medical equipment, medicines, etc. were donated to the Government of Pakistan. Thirdly, next February/2015 we will celebrate the graduation of more than 600 students and with this Ceremony will finish this free Scholarship Program. The stay of the Cuban Medical Team in Pakistan (Oct/2005-May/2006) and 1,000 young students of medicine from Pakistan in Cuba (2007-2015) has been extraordinary facts for help to consolidate and strengthen sincere friendship between our two nations. These graduating doctors are expected to contribute to improve the health sector in Pakistan, strengthening our friendship between the people of both countries. Once again I extends my thanks to all friends that had supported this Scholarship Program and would like to express the Cubans are ready to make join efforts with the Government and people of Pakistan to promote our bilateral relationship. Is our desire to expand our cooperation in different fields of mutual benefits and contribute to the economic and social development of both countries, as well as promote the actions in the international area will contribute positively to the achievement of peace and greater prosperity and happiness for all peoples of the world. On this occasion we would like to extend our most sincere congratulations to all the peoples of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, with the hope that progress can be made for the achievement of peace, and grant them greater happiness, health, and prosperity in the new year of 2015. H.E. JESUS ZENEN BUERGO CONCEPCION AMBASSADOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:58:05 +0000

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