MESSAGE FROM JESUS GIVEN TO VISIONARY MAUREEN SWEENEY-KYLE HOLYLOVE.ORG September 17, 2013 Public "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "Today, I wish to discuss with you the pharisaical spirit. This is a spirit most prominent in the world today. It is strongly present in the hearts of many leaders. This spirit promotes a poisonous form of self-righteousness within the heart. It is a spirit which leads the soul to believe that because of title, position, intelligence or any other supposed superiority, it has all truth and cannot be persuaded otherwise." "This spirit is judgmental. The pharisaical spirit, when dealing with an apparition site such as Holy Love, believes in the first negative without investigating and summarily discounts any grace. This same spirit is defined by arrogance and lends more importance to its own opinion than to the Truth. So you can see how the enemy weaves his way into hearts and thus, opposes good." "Often the pharisaical spirit builds his beliefs upon high powered authority which the soul uses as proof of righteousness. But, this very often is not Truth. The lying spirit becomes a partner with the pharisaical spirit." "You will recognize all evil on the scale of Holy Love. Feigned righteousness can never equal Holy Love in the heart. The heart steeped in Holy Love is also steeped in humility."
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:09:06 +0000

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