MESSAGE FROM OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO SPIRITUAL AND RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN NIGERIA THROUGH HIS ANOINTED PROPHET,DR ADETUNJI ADEONIGBAGBE,FOUNDER,CELICA CHURCH OF CHRIST,KM,7 NEW IFE ROAD,IBADAN ON SUNDAY,MARCH 9TH,2014. The Lord has said he will send his wrath on Nigeria’s spiritual and religious leaders if they let the nation continue in its state of ungodliness. You will be punished if the nation falls into ruins. The spiritual and religious leaders are responsible for the woes of the country says the Lord Almighty because they have failed in their primary duty. They have left their primary duty of being a shepherd and guide to the leaders of Nigeria instead they wine and dine with them. They have become errand men instead of being watchmen and the conscience of the society. The Lord says there are 3 classes of people in the society, the spiritually called (spiritual and religious leaders), the society leaders (political, traditional, judicial, economic, family etc) and the populace .The Lord said the society leaders and the populace were to rally round and provide for the needs of the spiritually called. Numbers 18 vs. 20 “You will have no inheritance in their land nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and inheritance says the Lord”. You were wholly set apart for the Lord to be watchmen of the nation. The spiritually called were to guide and straighten the paths of the other sub groups E.g from the bible, Samuel and Saul/Isrealites, Joseph and Pharaoh, Ezra and the Israelites exiles, Micaiah/Elijah and Ahab, Nathan and David,Elisha and the Isrealites,The disciples and early Christians e.t.c. However the Lord said the spiritual and religious leaders instead of being a light for the two sub groups have failed in their duty .They are walking in darkness. They have even initiated the society leaders and populace into darkness. Spiritual and religious leaders are now found in cult groups. How will they command respect when they are in the same occult groups with society leaders? What message will they be preaching? Proverbially it is like a blind guide leading a blind man; they will both fall into a deep pit. Jer 23 vs. 11”The Lord says the prophets and priests are godless: I have caught them doing evil in the temple itself says the Lord”. To spiritual and religious leaders who have polluted their calls hear the message from the Lord, Micah 3 vs. 5-7”The Lord’s people are deceived by prophets who promise peace to those who pay them but threaten war for those who don’t; To these prophets the Lord says, your day is almost over; the sun is going down on you: Because you mislead my people, you will have no more prophetic visions and you will not be able to predict anything. Those who predict the future will be disgraced by their failure. They will all be humiliated because God does not answer them”. You should be beacons of hope and faith for the people instead of illuminating light darkness surrounds you. Judgment is coming on spiritual and religious leaders who are in darkness says the Lord Almighty. The sword of the Lord has been raised up to cut down the evil doers who pollute the land. Jer 23 vs. 12 “The paths they follow will be slippery and dark; I will make them stumble and fall; I am going to bring disaster on them: the time of their punishment is coming.”The land is polluted with the blood of the innocent, the land cries out for justice and atonement for the land can only be made with the blood of those who shed it, “Numbers 35 vs. 31-34.” The Lord says he has sent out his word to spiritual and religious leaders to speak out against the ills of the society. To spiritual and religious leaders here is the message from the Lord; Amos 5 vs. 14”Make it your aim to do what is right not what is evil, so that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty really will be with you, as you claim he is; Hate what is evil, love what is right and see that justice prevails in the courts (nation). Failure to do that means the blood of all the innocent killed, maltreated and oppressed with be on the spiritual and religious leaders’ heads. They can only save themselves by speaking out against the ills of the society. This is the mandate which I, the Lord have given you, straighten the crooked path, let the people know the will of God and teach them to follow the Lord. The people came to meet the prophet Jeremiah saying to him ”Pray that the Lord our God will show us the way we should go and what we should do” Jer 42 vs. 3. Ezekiel 2 vs. 7”You will tell them whatever I tell you to say, whether they listen or not”. That is the divine mandate and duty from the Lord which you have abandoned. The Lord has spoken, Amos 3 vs. 8”when a lion roars, who can avoid being afraid? When the sovereign Lord speaks, who can avoid proclaiming his message? There is still room for repentance for spiritual and religious leaders says the Lord, Joel 2 vs. 13”Let your broken heart show your sorrow; tearing your clothes is not enough: come back to the Lord your God.” I, the Lord have spoken.Hosanna,Hosanna,Hosanna.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:36:03 +0000

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