MESSAGE ME IF YOU NEED ANY OF THE FOLLOWING. WILL POST UP MORE NEEDS LATER 1. JUST STARTED WORK- we can set up checking/savings account along with direct to deposit to go straight into your account. 2. SAVINGS ACCOUNT- this can be for a rainy day or a emergency fund when needed or to make a major purchase in future. Saving is good and if you havent started you should. 3. ESTABLISHING CREDIT- if you have no credit there are different options we can go over to help you establish credit with the bank to better your future. Once done you can get cheaper rates with mortgage, better living conditions, better deals with vehicles, etc.. 4. BAD CREDIT- we can look into this to and discuss different options to help you succeed financially. Dont let bad or immature mistakes of the past haunt your bright and promising future. 5. KIDS- my wife and I had recently lost our kid but we still had a savings for him and continue to do so. We were saving even before my wife was pregnant. We do this because we want our kids to have a great education and we know how expensive it is. Whether you have kids and havent started saving we encourage you to do so and if you do plan on having kids one day we still encourage you to start now. The earlier the better. ***If any of these pertain to you get with me and if your not able to come into my store I can meet with you and even bring you the paper work needed. Just message me and we can set that meeting up.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:16:44 +0000

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