MESSAGE TO BOOLE NAABA OSMAN KWESI NYANTAKYI. Mr Kwesi Nyantakyi, thank you for adding me to your list of numerous friends here. I appreciate. I want to use tis opportunity to reiterate my point again. NOBODY hates you. Well, if I speak for myself, I dont hate you. I admit, I love your persona. Your simplicity and aptness. I must also use this space to commend you for your tremendous contribution to Ghana football in the last decade or so. In fact have said this time without number in several of my write ups and even on radio- that I would support your bid to become the next CAF President. My position is unchanged, at least for now. For how you branded the Black Stars, making it a globally appealing product withing that short space of time was remarkable. That obviously didnt happen by downright luck, and or divine squall. You might have done something strikingly distinct from your predecessors. Im sure you did sleepless nights. You did toil and you deserve all what I have put up here for you. The joy that our Black Stars have given us under your tenure is such a golden feeling only enjoyed perhaps under Ohene Djan- Dr Kwame Nkrumah meld. I was dead then and so I only heard and read. Yours, I felt. From the turning point: That 3-0 drubbing of almighty South Africa in 2005, the 2-0 repeat at the famous FNB, all through to the 6-1 demolition of Egypt in Kumasi. I lived through all. I covered all and celebrated all. Sir, thank you so much for curing so many hypertensive, diabetic, asthmatic and even prolonging the lives of HIV patients through football. Those feelings still keeps us united as a one Ghana full of great talents like the ones you assembled, and full of great ingenious men like yourself. As stated earlier, some of us still remember all these, and so we dont hate you. You have every right to call us ingrates if we ever try that. Again, we dont have you. But you hate yourself. Your biggest problem is, perhaps your failure to come to terms with reality. You will be a very good government in power in the Western world. When things are really smooth, and when you have little or no complaints. Youre absolutely good at overseeing success but worse at facing challenges.That doesnt make a leader. And all these are principally due to the fact that in recent years, youve surrounded yourself with plenty liars. More melodious tongues, more choristers and praise singers. Soothing voices. Blowing into your ears an air of fantasy and fiction. You, by some means got rid of some high ranking executives from several leadership roles. You tried to coerce opponents into succumbing, or forced them out. You sidelined some of your closest allies upon realising that they shared different opinions to yours. Basic example is when you decided to change regulations so that you could occupy almost all the key positions in your administration. And when you finally did that, you became overly powerful. And naturally when you become such powerful, you know not reality. As power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely. You had no advisors anymore. You advised yourself and only called for your subjects to clap. You prepared budgets that your chief scribe had little or no know knowledge about. And was evident during his appearance at the commission. Yourself, you are aware. And I know deep within your heart, you admit. Because it will be surprisingly comical for Jérôme Valcke to be invited for a hearing from FIFA and he ends up disgracing Sepp Blatter, like your secretary did. You were furious with him that day. You were evidently flared up with him goofs but do you begrudge him? He had no inputs in the budget preparation. Your refusal to accept reality is when in 2009, the EOCO stormed your office to demand files, the new was broadcasted across the nation and everybody, including people from all political divide supporting you when indeed they had no facts about the EOCO acts. At a point, you were too adored than the president of the land. Because you were that Nyantakyi that people imagined to be a hardworking guy. There were protests and demonstrations held for you. Now, these same people question your administration and in reply get abuses. Your administration hinged on your over concentration on the Black Stars. And that was a doom-stratagem. There were committed and hardworking men who were all doing their bits in various sectors of Ghana football. But you drew them to the Black Stars instead, leaving their positions unattended and roles vacant. You went to the Wold Cup with people who were suppose to be at home planning for the next league season. You attend Black Stars games with people who should be at Womens football, Regional development centers, Juvenile soccer. And this when we say, your people call us uneducated Twi Radio Guys. Your office neglected almost all sectors of Ghana Football and jumped on the Black Stars train. How can your U-17 team be banned in this era for age cheating when indeed your vice is actually the chairman of that team? I mean how?. How could your league be embroiled in such needless legal battles when in fact your administration has the best legal brains in the land? Look at their approach towards your appearance at the Black Stars commission of Inquiry and their reaction to the King Faisal case? How could your senior women team play in a continental tourney without the presence of its management? All were with the Black Stars. You put all your eggs in one basket and when it crashed, you had nothing. Absolutely nothing. That is what you have now. Nothing. This is the time you should have played fast politics, changed your track and swerve the challenge. But youre stacked.. Not your fault though, because you still have the choristers in active session. Your praise singers are massing up. Those guys who carried you did a great disservice. That wouldnt happen in any serious football nation. But they did and you laughed. That is mediocrity. Let people know the true situation on the ground. Face reality and show efforts of revving the sinking ship. An arrogant posture wouldnt be the best. After all when you qualified us in 2006, nobody carried you but Ghanaians knew you were the best. When we beat the USA in Czech in 2006, you were not carried by every Ghanaian knew you were the best. So why would you hire people to hoist you in the air to prove that youre still the best? Apparently, the people are enlightened now. For your information, not all of us call for that change. That sudden change of leadership. We call for proper planning. Financial justice less corruption. We call for a comprehensive blueprint for Ghana Football in the next 5-10 years. We call for an action towards that as well. Face reality, walk a distance away from these praise singers parading themselves as your communicators. Stop been deceived. Im sure that as smart as you are, you actually know the current deplorable state of our football, but your absolute power wont let you come down to face it. And your choristers wont give you the chance to sit down think. Now that Sammy Osei Kuffuor has spoke his mind and stated his position on your administration, please dont let your guys attack him. Don;t let them mock his educational background a you do to some of us. Dont let them tell stories of his source of wealth and fame. Sit down, digest what former defender has said and build on the positives. Kwesi, dont let us forget the memories, dont let Ghanaians develop that antagony. We all hailed you when things were smooth. You gave us no money for that.So now that we are trying to help put things back on track, why must you and your subordinates imagine that weve been paid. We love football. We support you and whoever heads our football. We only want to see things change. Positively. Again, Thank you for your contribution to Ghana Football. BY: Saddick Adams SportsObama
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:45:56 +0000

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