MESSAGE TO HIS EXCELLENCY GOVERNOR KASHIM SHETTIMA I will like to first of all start with expressing my deepest condolence to the govt and the people of our dear state over the recent attacks by this monster whose aim is to deny the people of Borno freedom and prosperity. I also want to commend the patriotism exhibited by the civilian JTF, as well as the officers and men of the 7th division of the Nigeria Army. Victor will surely come, and your sacrifices will be duly acknowledged by men of goodwill, and certainly history will always remember you for this sacrifice that you are making so that our people can have freedom. As the Governor embarks on this trip, it is our hope that it will contribute to ending this insurgency that has cripple the state, as well as chart a course for a real time transformation of the state. But while we are hoping, here are some few suggestions that I would like the governor to present to the international community. It should be noted also that I have my reservation on the sincerity of the western world towards us, but when you are in a situation like this, it is normal that you take a look at other options, that is why am in total support of the governor’s trip. The governor should let the international community know how devastating our people have been for the last three to four years now. Off course our governor knows more than any other person the level of destruction in the state, and unfortunately due to the conspiracy of the media, the rest of the world has not given the necessary attention that is required of such situation. Therefore, he should use this chance to let them understand the difficulty that our people are facing, so that necessary action can be taken to tackle the situation. Our governor should let them know that we really and desperately need their assistance and interventions. But when I say assistance, am not saying we need just relief material. What we need as a long term solution is real time assistance not blankets, food stuffs, and so on. We need assistance in two key areas, which if they can offer us, will certainly re lunch us back to the track of prosperity, and peace. The first one is, we need assistance in the education sector. Our governor should let them know that 80% of our schools had been destroyed by the insurgents, and in some places our children have not seen the four walls of their classrooms for more than a year or so. This structures need to be rebuild, though some have already been rebuilt by the state govt. That our curriculum need to incorporate skills acquisition to enable the young generation to not just have access to education, but also to acquire skills that can sustain them. That those who could not have the opportunity of having the western education need to be considered for training in various skills, such carpentry, tailoring and other trades so that they can be useful to not just themselves, but to their immediate families and the society at large, that the state must make education not just free, but qualitative and accessible to especially those in the rural areas, That the state needs to restructure the Almajiri system of education to confirm with current reality. Our governor should let them know that to achieve all this, the state govt need additional funds to achieve all this. The second area we need assistance, is in the Agric sector. Our governor should let the international community know that we really need urgent intervention in the field of agriculture. Let them know that the state has a vast untapped Agric potentials that when properly harnessed, can bring about job creation, food security, and above all reduce youth restiveness. The governor should let them know about the state govt agric transformation program, and urge them to partner with the state govt to make it a reality. It is my believe that if the international community can intervene in form of assistance in these two key areas, it will go a long way in the speedy rebuilding of our state. This will not just guarantee development, but it will be a big relief to the good people of the state. We should also know that if this assistance will come, it is not coming to H E Kashim Shettima, but to the good people of Borno, therefore, there is no need to play politics with these suggestions. Our governor should not be distracted by the actions of those who are ignorantly or out of shear mischief condemning his trip to tell the international community the true situation that the people of Borno are in. Besides, if one should ask those people who are condemning the governor, I read one of such post just few minutes after the governor take off, and my question is were they aware of the attack in advance, or how comes they already have a composed write up just few minutes after the governor take off condemning his trip because of the attack. I have said it in my previous write ups, that playing politics with the insecurity is unpatriotic and an insult to those who lost their lives and the grieving families. It is unfortunate that after such attacks, instead of us to all unite and face the challenges together, some people are only thinking of how they can exploit the situation for cheap political point to please their pay masters. Please and please we should stop playing politics with the issue of insecurity, for it has affected us all irrespective of our political affiliations.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:23:07 +0000

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