MESSAGE from BILL to all of us - On February 8, voters in - TopicsExpress


MESSAGE from BILL to all of us - On February 8, voters in Brisbane’s electorate of Griffith will go to the polls for a by-election. It’s going to be a close contest, and the whole country will be watching the outcome. Even more important is this: despite promising that Medicare was safe before the election, Tony Abbott’s government plans to charge Australians to see a bulk billing GP. Local Liberal candidate for Griffith – former AMA head, Bill Glasson – supports a tax on doctor visits and it could be policy as early as May. Want to put a stop to this Medicare attack before it goes any further, and send the Liberals a message they can’t miss? Throw your support behind Medicare and Labor, and chip in to help the Griffith campaign right now. Your donation will have a real impact – putting Save Medicare signs on major roads all across Griffith and distributing Save Medicare t-shirts to volunteers campaigning on the ground. It costs nearly $10 for every sign and $15 for every shirt that gets made. With your help, we’re hoping to order 500 signs as well as 400 shirts to show Australia what’s at stake nationwide, and to stop this insidious attack on Medicare before it goes any further. If we do nothing, we could soon see the foundations of our health system undermined. The most vulnerable Australians will be forced to pay to see a GP. If that happens, it would be the beginning of the end of Medicare as we know it. So we have to demonstrate that any threat to Medicare will cost the Abbott Government too much politically. Chip in now to send a message they can’t miss: take Medicare off the table. Thank you – this is important. Bill PS: We’ve got a great candidate in Griffith, Terri Butler. She believes in Medicare, in great public schools, hospitals, 21st century broadband, effective climate action and quality, affordable childcare. Right now the polls are incredibly tight, and we know Terri will be outspent by her Liberal opponent unless we help. Thanks for pitching in what you can today.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 00:51:59 +0000

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