METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW from WeStruck Magazines resident Gamer Girl Briana Ayers --------------------------------- at We Struck Magazine A Dumb Struck Writing House Production - Like the fresh articles? Hit like and share us with your Friends on Facebook! --------------------------------- Kept you waiting, huh? -Snake -----////------/////------////----- This is it. What weve all been waiting for. What we got teased with in Ground Zeroes...What we sat in our seats anxiously shaking our legs in excitement over at E3. In Phantom Pain, we will be greeted by an open world and with a MGS game no doubt riddled with easter eggs. The gameplay itself has the potential to rival that of Far Cry 4 for a seasoned Metal Gear veteran who will want to gather as much intel and experience as possible, or a mini-fan who will creep around blind yet expectant, greeting any nods to past titles with an appreciative sense of nostalgia, a sly thank you for decades of patronage. One of the covert gems I am most looking forward to that will hopefully be left within the gameplay is the ode to the P.T. demo with the embodiment of the skidmark enducing entity Lisa, which was hilariously debuted at the Tokyo Game Show earlier this year as one of the many Active Decoy items usuable in-game, which distract guards you may wish to capture and balloon lift via the fulton off the map: (Which I might add is also something you can do with your horse as he whinnies through the air in comedic fashion). Thankfully during a segment of Kojima Station, Hideo himself confirmed there will be easter eggs a plenty to search the massive sandbox for, so hopefully we get something as revolutionary as the Screaming/Psycho Mantis fiasco. Honestly, with all this new technology at their disposal I expect nothing short of that, perhaps something integrating the touch pad on the Dualshock 4 or even the Kinect for the Xbox One and the camera for the PS4 respectively. Whatever Hideo has in store for us, I am sure it will be something worth the wait. All in all, after viewing extensive gameplay footage and endless trailers, I am pretty much resting on my laurels ready to pounce on this bad boy. With the poignant soundtrack, the perfection in the realism of the NPCs and how they notice the slightest shadow that shouldnt be there; the inclusion of interactive wildlife which can either harm or assist you; the newly implemented buddy system which allows you to call or dismiss a companion that you can choose from a roster of several different characters including the silent sniper, and her silent cleavage. Truly, the anticipation of so many potential easter eggs ranging from designers from the team delivering cameos as POWs to visions of Kojimas bright future in the essence of a ghost that caused me to throw my controller across the room not too long ago. I cannot wait for this bit of greatness to sprinkle on top of what looks to be a great year for games in general of all the like, with Phantom Pain being the rainbow topping on an awesome sundae. So how long have you been waiting for this new Metal Gear? How excited are you about how you get your moneys worth out of this chapter in the saga? Like this reporter, will you also be there, trolling the new open terrain for all these Easter eggs? Also, how do you feel about the path Hideo Kojima is taking us down in terms of the overall tone of the story? Something that really struck me and caused me to become enveloped in thought are Kazuhiras words to Snake in one of the trailers I watched as he limped, leaning debilitated, on the shoulder of his comrade. The sunset behind, he and the young Big Boss, rays of the sun like knives cutting at the areas of his absent limbs as the title appeared on the screen absent of some of its parts before being filled in by the other half of the words. Kaze said he wanted to take back everything theyve lost in retaliation to Cipher taking them to hell and back, to which Snake replies with his voice at a tenor that I would expect Kazes voice to be, one filled with sadness and futility implying that he was already a demon. It makes me think of the title and how it relates so much to that scene, and perhaps Kazuhiras pain stems from his missing limbs, a phantom pain, as Snakes pain stems from his missing opportunity for redemption, something to save him from what he knows he has already become. I cant wait to hear anyone elses theories or hopes for Phantom Pain, which is looking to turn out to be one hell of a quest for revenge. This is Briana Ayers of Dumb Struck Magazine signing off. ------------------------------------------ by Resident Girl Gamer: Briana Ayers at We Struck Magazine A Dumb Struck Writing House Production - Follow us on Twitter! @stilldumbstruck
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:23:55 +0000

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