METAMORPHOSIS (Excerpts from Devotional Box-a daily Devotional by - TopicsExpress


METAMORPHOSIS (Excerpts from Devotional Box-a daily Devotional by Dr. Isaiah and Lianna Wealth). *** 25th December, 2014 *** TITLE: GET A BIRTHDAY GIFT FOR JESUS *** Luke 15:7 “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” *** If Christ were present in bodily form on the earth today, there would have been an avalanche of gifts at His doorsteps on this special day. Many would have offered to take Him out or to book for time on Satellite TV to spread His fame. But what is the best gift you can give to Him on this special day? The best gift you can give to celebrate a man on a day like this is that which shows your commitment to His values; that which connects you to His passion and heart’s desire. This, to Christ, is Soul winning. Remember how that He said His mission was to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). It is clear then that the best gift for Christ today is that of a soul. What would you do to ensure that at least one more soul accepts Him as Lord today? This is the way to put a broad smile on the Saviour’s face on His birthday and every day. Halleluyah! *** ISAIAH PROPHESIES: May your life draw others to Christ today in Jesus name. *** ACTION POINTS DO THIS: Reach out to someone today and show them the love of Christ and how that they mean so much to Him. SAY THIS: I decree and I declare that I am blessed in double folds today. *** STUDY YOUR BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: GENESIS 11, ROMANS 13, PSALMS 28 *** CHRISTIAN MISSION FOCUS Armenia 35% of their population is unreached with the Gospel. Armenia is an island of Christianity in a sea of Islam. Training for leaders and laity is lacking, but is being addressed. PRAY FOR ARMENIA: We are praying for Armenia that the doors of the Gospel of Christ be opened in that nation. STARTUP PRAYER: Dear Father, thank you for a day like this when you gave your son for my salvation, help me to touch others for you in Jesus name. * * * * * * PRAYER OF CONSECRATION Thank you Lord Jesus for a successful 2014, to you be all the praise and Glory for all my accomplishments in the course of the year. Oh Lord, as the year ends, i dedicate myself to you asking for you to guide me to serve you better and to be positioned for greater availability in your Kingdom. Let my body, soul & Spirit be preserved in your sight, in Jesus Name, Amen. * * * * * * * OTHER RESOURCES: Download the FREE Devotional Box App and enjoy the Audio version daily devotionalbox * * * Study devotionals on specific topics with our TOPICAL STUDY at devotionalbox/topics.php * * * Chat with other users: devotionalbox/ discussion.php * * * LIKE us on Facebook at facebook/devotionalbox * * * You can also order the print edition of Metamorphosis, share your testimonies or make further enquiries by calling +234 813 520 3592. Merry Xmas dear, share this with others...
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 06:54:21 +0000

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