MEXICAN GOVERNMENT HAPPY TO THROW AMERICANS IN JAIL, ESPECIALLY AMERICAN SERVICE MEN BUT OBAMA AND ALL THE DEMOCRATS ONLY WANT TO PUT AMERICANS IN JAIL! IF AMERICANS DARE TRY AND TELL THE TRUTH OF THE PREMEDITATED INVASION BY THE OBAMA NATION THEY WILL BE JAILED! DEMOCRATS WANT TO JAIL AMERICANS TRYING TO DEFEND THIS COUNTRY AND WARN AMERICANS OF THE HEALTH AND SECURITY DANGERS WHILE USING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TO MOVE DISEASE INFESTED ILLEGAL ALIENS THROUGH OUT THE COUNTRY FORCING LOCAL TOWNS TO SPEND MONEY ON SECURITY, FOOD, HEALTH CARE, SHELTER ON ILLEGAL ALIENS THAT SHOULD OF BEEN STOPPED AT THE BORDER! OBAMA AND ALL THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO KEEP THIS A SECRET! DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICAS SECURITY AND SOVEREIGNTY! DEMOCRATS WANT TO LOWER OUR STANDARD OF LIVING ... EXCEPT FOR THEMSELVES, THE PROGRESSIVES (COMMUNISTS) ELITES WHAT OBAMA AND DEMOCRATS DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW! ☆☆Threaten Journalist With Prison Over Report On Illegal Immigration☆☆ The Department of Defense has threatened me with imprisonment in response to our report on the illegal alien shelter at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. In a certified letter sent to Infowars, the Defense Department claims that I engaged in “unauthorized photography and broadcast” which were somehow “detrimental” to the “safety and security of the installation” even though the photos of Lackland’s illegal alien shelter, which is housing nearly 2,000 illegals at a cost to taxpayers of around $250 per immigrant per day, were taken outside the shelter and are clearly in the public’s best interest. “You are hereby put on notice that should you make unauthorized entry into any of the Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) installations in the future, a debarment order will be issued,” stated the letter, which added that further action could lead to imprisonment. ☆☆Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest☆☆ A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say. foxnews/opinion/2014/07/02/medical-staff-warned-keep-quiet-about-illegal-immigrants-or-face-arrest/ ☆☆ Administration admits releasing illegals in interior, refuses to say how many☆☆ The AP further said the number of those released into the interior is believed to exceed 40,000 since October. Many of the families are believed to have arrived from Central America and cannot be immediately repatriated. So, the AP added, the government has been releasing them into the U.S. interior and telling them to report within 15 days to the nearest U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement offices. But the administration has been unwilling to say exactly how many of those families have been released, or if any of them have actually reported back to the government after 15 days as directed. Even White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest has been either unable or unwilling to provide any answers. PREMEDITATED. ...DEMOCRATS WILLFULLY, PURPOSELY, KNOWINGLY AND DELIBERATELY PLANNED THIS CRISIS, JUST LIKE OBAMA CARE! examiner/article/did-the-obama-administration-know-of-illegal-juvenile-swarm-before-it-began NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE Making matters even worse, a a federal request for vendors to escort thousands of illegal juveniles originally posted in January make it appear as thought the administration knew well in advance there would be a huge influx of illegal immigrants. When asked about the posting,ICE spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez confirmed the posting was authentic but refused to provide any additional details, telling The Blaze she would get back to them when more information becomes available. LIES LIES LIES! DEMOCRATS NOT ONLY TRANSPORTING DISEASE RIDDEN ILLEGAL ALIENS INTO SMALL TOWNS ALL OVER ANERICA. DEMOCRATS ARE RELEASING ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO ARE MURDERS! RAPISTS! AND CONVICTED CRIMINALS INTO AMERICAN SOCIETY! Well, look at how they lied and covered up the fact that ICE released 36,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions in 2013. Remember that? There were murderers and rapists in that release. So why should it surprise us when they refuse to tell us about releasing families, Rush Limbaughsaid Tuesday. The Regime has a government to grow. The Regime has a party to grow here, and theyre gonna do it one way or another. OBAMA PROMISED TO FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:12:09 +0000

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