MGMT 520 Discussions All 7 Weeks 512 Pages Legal Political and - TopicsExpress


MGMT 520 Discussions All 7 Weeks 512 Pages Legal Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=38965 Week 1 Discussions 1 National and International Ethics-Patent 41 Pages In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators. According to a report from the CDC Week 1 Discussions 2 Disbarment of Lawyers 35 Pages Read the Disbarment of Lawyers case on pages 225 and 226 in the Kubsek text and frame your answer around the four questions for the case study which are located on page 226. In evaluating this scenario, focus upon the question of what you would do if you are directed to do something that… Week 2 Discussions 1 Chapter 5 Problems 35 Pages What compelling governmental interests would have to exist for these laws to be sustained? How else could the government justify their enactment? How could the laws be modified so as not to be a deemed an unlawful seizure or taking? Please study the following problems: Week 2 Discussions 2 Chapter 19 Problems 33 Pages Did the agencies involved violate Due Process or other Constitutionally mandated safeguards? What type of evidence would the agencies need to justify their actions. How might the aggrieved parties demonstrate that the agencies were acting in an arbitrary and capricious manner? How might the agencies defend against such a charge? Week 3 Discussions 1 Breach of Warranty 38 Pages Arvo Lake, a retired 71-year-old man, bought an air conditioner in May. The unit was installed and operated according to the manufacturers specifications. Unbeknownst to Lake, the unit contained a hole in the refrigeration system that allowed Freon, the coolant, to escape from the unit. By August… Week 3 Discussions 2 Environmental Liability and Due Process 34 Pages In 1979, Paul and John Reardon purchased 16 acres of land located next to a manufacturing plant in Massachusetts. In 1983, a state environmental agency, responding to a citizens report, tested soil samples from both properties and discovered extremely high levels of polychlorinated… Week 4 Discussions 1 Shirley Parker v. Twentieth 39 Pages Our textbook discusses monetary and equitable remedies in the event that a contract is breached. These issues presented themselves in the case Shirley Parker v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. (Case 11-4) on page 297 of your eBook. Read Case problem 11-8 on page 307 of your e-book… Week 4 Discussions 2 Larry Podder or Harry Potter 35 Pages You are a newly promoted supervisor for Playing with God, a company that makes computer games for a Christian bookstore. One of the directors on the corporate board is Jon Bakker, a long-lost nephew of TV evangelists Jim and Tammy Faye. Jon’s son, Larry Bakker, is a member… Week 5 Discussions 1 Pusey v. Bator 40 Pages Please read Case problem 16-13 at the end of Chapter 16 in your eBook regarding the lawsuit by Pusey in the case Pusey v. Bator. Under what theory might Ms. Pusey argue that Greif Brothers… Week 5 Discussions 2 The Lemon Tree Dilemma 39 Pages The website should be a bookmarked site for any individual who is working as or plans to work as a manager in a business with more than one (i.e., the owner) employee. This website contains the information that the federal government expects companies and… Week 6 Discussions 1 Restraint of Trade and Antitrust 42 Pages Look at problem 25-14 found on page 718 of your eBook. We will begin our discussion this week by working through this credit card problem to help us understand per se violations and how they… Week 6 Discussions 2 Consumer Protections 35 Pages To start our discussion this week - lets review Case problem 26-17 on page 761 of your eBook. In addition to the question presented by the problem: 1. What responsibilities did Easton and Source One Associates, Inc. have to the individuals and… Week 7 Discussions 1 Multinational Companies 33 Pages Lets finish up this term with a discussion about moving our personal and business ethics into the international business realm. Lets look at how ethics and laws span the concepts of all of our TCOs to date and discuss them in a realistic perspective, with particular emphasis…. Week 7 Discussions 2 SOX and Insider Trading 33 Pages Review problem 24-15, found on page 677 of your eBook. Lets look at corporate malfeasance, both specifically as it is seen in the case of Mr. Bleakney and NMC, and more generally, at companies…
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 00:54:57 +0000

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