MGN 568 Project Management: MBA International Prog @ Stamford - TopicsExpress


MGN 568 Project Management: MBA International Prog @ Stamford International Independent Study Mode Subject with the two hard working, dedicated and trying students: Marina Aye Thida Ko (left) and Ya Mone Win Maung (right) who started off as students to study this subject on an Independent Studies basis (as there are only two students registered and so it cannot be open as a regular lecture class) and then they decided to continue beyond the subject and we ended up being advisor and advisees for their graduating Independent Studies as well. They have completed very good paper for Project Management course and now are at the final step of completing their University Graduation IS research, focusing on Project Managements applied to their chosen businesses and industries back at home, Mandalay/Myanmar. I am scheduling for their defenses in October upcoming which they should be in time as their pre-final draft was checked last week and they have done well. So, good luck for the final draft of your University IS. As for the subject IS on Project Management: they flew through with flying colours....given their seriousness and commitment. This is the reason why I love AEC given my background working and doing businesses in these countries, and always assign project for students related to AEC... I love the different aspects of the regional people in the AEC regions: it is a great experience to deal with regional fellow AEC member countrymen and to get to know them better: so far...there are so much to apply and explore in this region.... Excited to see how it would become when it actually official... So, good luck to both students...Marina Aye Thida Ko (left) and Ya Mone Win Maung (right) PS: Project Management was the first subject I was assigned to teach as a junior green brand new teacher at ABAC in the department of General management of BBA starting my partime career as instructor in 1994-1995.... and have been teaching this subject ever since.... be it Project Management or Project Feasibility...... love it....and so open this subject for the first time after a while of non offering at Stamford: hope I would continue to teach it LOL.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:34:04 +0000

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