MGN-AFRICA»» pin:2A123D88 Children killed in Israeli air raids - TopicsExpress


MGN-AFRICA»» pin:2A123D88 Children killed in Israeli air raids against Gaza live updates: * Air raid sirens in Tel Aviv and across central Israel * Israel launches 160 overnight air strikes * Eight children killed in Operation protective edge * How do the events affect you in Israel and Palestine? 11.19am BST Guardian columnist Owen Jones urges the western media, notably the BBC, to stop valuing the lives of Israelis as worth more than those of Palestinians. Writing on Comments is free he says: There is no defence for Hamas firing rockets into civilian areas, and as sirens wail in Israel, the fear among ordinary Israelis should not be ignored or belittled. But the media coverage hardly reflects the reality: a military superpower armed with F-15 fighter jets, AH-64 Apache helicopters, Delilah missiles, IAI Heron-1 drones and Jericho II missiles (and nuclear bombs, for that matter), versus what David Cameron describes as a prison camp firing almost entirely ineffective missiles. Twenty-seven [now 28] Palestinians are reported to have died in Gaza and, mercifully, no Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets and yet the BBC opts for the Orwellian Israel under renewed Hamas attack. 11.03am BST The IDF has published footage of a wedding party in Ashood being disrupted by rocket fire. 11.01am BST A 13 year-old-child has become the 28th victim of Operation Protective Edge, according to Gazas health ministry. 13 28 10.36am BST Irans foreign ministry has condemned Israeli air raids and called on the West to help prevent a human catastrophe, AFP reports. We are, unfortunately, witnessing the escalation of savage aggression by the Zionists in recent days against the innocent and defenceless people of Palestine, ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said in her weekly briefing with reporters. Iran calls on Western countries and supporters of the Zionist regime (to) take firm a stance and prevent a human catastrophe and stop the attacks, she added, while questioning an unrealistic excuse of the kidnapping of three Zionist settlers. 10.23am BST Public bomb shelters have been opened across Jerusalem. The citys council also urged residents to open their private shelters. In a statement it said: In the case of a siren or explosion, residents should go to the closest protected area within a minute and a half and close all doors and windows and stay indoors for 10 minutes. All residents are asked to continue to listen to instructions from the Home Front Command. 10.11am BST Jehad Saftawi from the Institute for Middle East Understanding filmed this skyline footage of air strikes hitting civilian areas in Gaza. 9.55am BST The death toll in Gaza has risen to 27, with a further 230 injuries, according to Gazas health ministry spokesman, Ashraf al-Qudra. 27 230 9.43am BST At least seven Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli air strikes, as hospitals in Gaza are struggling to cope, according to a senior aid worker in Gaza City. Fikr Shalltoot, director of programmes for Medical Aid for Palestinians, questioned Israels claim that it was only targetting militants in the air strikes. Every Gazan is witnessing, in one way or another, the air strikes. I live in the west part of Gaza city and last night I was very terrified - at 4am with these very very heavy air strikes. It was ongoing, but it was extremely tough at 4am. Forty houses were bombed from yesterday. When they bomb houses and the family are still inside, even if there is one militant, definitely there are plenty of civilians who are hit in these strikes. The international community should call for an end to this aggression towards civilians in Gaza. Gaza is a very populated area. There is 1.8 million Palestinians living here. It is one of the most condensed in the world. Now because of the number of injuries that arrive in hospitals every minute ... if it continues for more than a few days there will be a real crisis at hospitals. 8.50am BST The Israeli army has released video that it claims shows five Hamas commandos being neutralised after landing on the Israeli coast near Zikim, just north of the Gaza strip. 8.25am BST An Iranian made rocket fired from Gaza reached as far as the northern Israeli coastal town of Hadera, more than 100km from Gaza, according to the IDF. It was one of 45 rockets fired from Gaza last night, the IDF said. RT @IDFSpokesperson: We can confirm that a rocket fired from Gaza hit city of Hadera-62 miles from Gaza. Perspective: pic.twitter/OlQr0wkknb 7.58am BST According to Israeli army radio at least five rockets fired from Gaza were shot down over Tel Aviv and the surrounding area, AFP reports. The rocket fire set sirens wailing but all five were intercepted in mid-flight by a battery of Israels vaunted Iron Dome anti-missile system, the radio said. Hamass armed wing the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades claimed the attack, saying in a statement it had launched four M75 rockets at Israels commercial capital. 7.38am BST Human rights campaigner Elizabeth Tsurkov describes her east Tel Aviv house shaking as rockets were intercepted over the city. My house shook again due to a loud blast. No siren. The siren system is supposed to work only in areas where the rockets may hit, but its quite scary to hear a blast w/ no siren before it. 7.31am BST Welcome to our continuing coverage of Israels military offensive against the Gaza strip. Heres a summary of the latest developments: Continue reading... pin:2A123D88
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:28:51 +0000

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