MH17 PRESS STATEMENT Minister of Transport, Malaysia In - TopicsExpress


MH17 PRESS STATEMENT Minister of Transport, Malaysia In Eindhoven, Netherlands Wednesday 23 July 2014 On this day of national mourning in the Netherlands, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and I would like to express on behalf of YAB Prime Minister Najib and the Malaysian Government, along with the people of Malaysia, our deepest condolences to the Dutch people and all of the families who have been affected by this terrible tragedy and are suffering in this aftermath. We join the international community in its determination to discover the truth not only out of respect for those who lost their lives and their grieving families and loved ones but because we must do everything we can to prevent an atrocity like this from happening again and to bring those responsible to justice. We thank Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the Dutch government for their support and collaboration during this difficult time. We are working closely together to respectfully repatriate the victims’ bodies. Our goal now is to unite those who have perished with their families and loved ones as fast as possible while allowing investigators to continue their work at the crash site. While the process of identification can at last begin for those who have today been brought to The Netherlands, we must not forget those who remain unaccounted for. We urge the search to continue for those who are still missing and pledge to exhaust all efforts to recover all human remains. The Malaysian Government and Malaysia Airlines will continue to dedicate all available resources towards that effort. In the meantime our priority is to support those who share a common grief while working closely with all Governments, international organisations and responsible parties to help guarantee a full and thorough investigation is undertaken. ENDS
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:14:51 +0000

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