MIC LEADER HAS TO COME CLEAN ON THE 540 MILLION GRANTED BY GOVERNMENT ANNUALLY TO INDIAN COMMUNITY. The MIC leader Dato Palanivel has to come clean on the 540 Million ringgit annually channeled to the Indian community. Immediately upon my resignation on 10th February Prime Minister Najib tweeted that a sum of 540 Million Ringgit has already been disbursed to the Indian community for the year 2013. Hindraf demands that the MIC leader either confirms or denies that the said sum was delivered to the Indian community. If it has been delivered then they (the MIC) are accountable as to how this sum was disbursed to the Indian community. If it is not true then Dato Palani Vel should come clean and say the Prime Minister was not telling the truth. The Indian community has been plagued with various socio economic issues for the past 57 years and we are a sinking community with almost 10,000 Indian criminals languishing in prisons and a further 40,000 Indian juveniles in detention centers. The Indians are now developing into the second generation criminals. If left unattended, the communities soon go into a point of no return like the blacks in America and England- living in ghettos. The 800,000 displaced Indians from the estates continue to suffer and there are no concrete plans to resolve their plight on a permanent and comprehensive way. There are still many estates in this country are thousands are waiting to be evicted. Thousands are still living in squatter areas and are accused of building rumah harams. There are no plans for the economic upliftment of these people. We continue to be landless people in our own country. The country’s leadership has to take responsibility and do something about it. Piecemeal solutions are no solutions. Hindraf challenges Palani Vel to come up with true facts and figures on the Government allocated funds and how it was spent within the next 7 days failure of which it would mean that MIC tacitly admits the Prime Minister was not telling the truth.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:10:00 +0000

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