MICHAEL BROWN - #INNOCENT #BLOODSHED --> :) … “#TheDreamAndTheDISASTER :O!!!” FIRSTLY & HONESLTY I #MUST ADMIT that this ENTIRE SCENARIO has been HUGEEEEE STRUGGLE FOR ME! With the “verdict” (per the “grand jury”) many varying emotions, opinions, and dispositions have aroused. We as the PUBLIC had all awaited this day – some with nonchalance, some with conclusive deductions, and others with a sense of hope. Prior to the releasing of the verdict, the Lord specifically instructed me to “stand in the gap” for the city of St. Louis (state of Missouri). While in this vein - I went to sleep & saw ST. LOUIS in a dream. In this dream, the city was slanted and I couldnt see properly because things were going downward. I vividly remember attempting to view the city/state, but I could not see because of the angle the city was sliding towards. All at once the city tilted evenly and I was able to see the land on a level plain - I saw beautiful neighborhoods, houses, and MANY EAGLES attached to the front of homes. It seemed to be a place of peace, commerce, and success. Directly after this, I saw the skyline at night in a “state of harmony” - glistening & shining even in the dark. Once I woke up I conversed with one of my sisters about the dream and told her that St. Louis had “tilted” in this dream and that was strange to me. Later on the Lord spoke to me and said “When you saw what you “thought” was a tilt --> it was indicative of a SHIFTING of St. Louis & the initial downward slope was the moral decline of systems in place before it was repaired back to morality.” It all began to make a little more sense and I could see that God was saying that there will be a POSITIVE TRANSITION in the STL – from this I took more hope that the outcome of the Michael Brown case could “possibly” AGAINST ALL ODDS be good. I #distinctly #recall gathering with my mom and sister as we awaited the “announcement” – while we listened to the “jargon”…I knew were things were headed. Once the “#NOT #GUILTY” determination was released - I was in a turmoiled state of SHOCK. As an influx of emotions swam through my being, I LITERALLY had to go elsewhere later on in attempts to reason soundly in my OWN MIND. The spirit of the Lord began to speak to me and say “CRY OUT TO ME!” At this point, I really felt #INSULTED and in that MOMENT could NOT find the STRENGTH or DESIRE to say ANYTHING TO GOD - what “seemed” like a “sign of good” to me in a dream had now turned into an ALL OUT DISASTER :O! #YaGulWasLostttt :o! #MyHeartSankInMyChest :o! #ItFeltLikeTheWindWas… #KnockedOuttaMe :o! #MyInclinationToHearOrTalk2GodWasAtZERO :O! #HeyBuddyGodCanHandleYouANGER :D!!! #WassupWithYa :)??? #HowHaveYaBeen :)? #LongTimeNoSee ;)! #CatchUpTime :)!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:04:48 +0000

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