MICHAEL BROWN, EMMETT TILL, TRAYVON MARTIN, 12 YEAR OLD IN CLEVELAND, ERIC GARNER IN NEW YORK, THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS…open season on black men…anger, apathy, frustration, injustice and we’re expected to act without anger….as long as this nation continues to justify the killing and open murder of our fathers, son, brothers, nephews, cousins and friends the intensity will grow…. How many more black men must die before America, white America believes and cries out with us in its collective heart that ENOUGH IS REALLY ENOUGH!!!! How long before I, as the mother of a Black son in America can truly breathe a sigh of relief feeling secure that my son and grandson will earnestly be judged by the content of their characters not the color of their skin? Black America VEHEMENTLY DISTRUSTS THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN THIS COUNTRY....it has given us not reason not to distrust it...When does land of the free and home of the brave apply to our sons? When will our men be able to know that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” truly applies to them? When will we stop looking down the barrel of a gun from the “Boys in Blue”? How, as an educator, can I continue to give hope to young men when this country stacks the deck with a loaded gun against them? When will the EVIDENCE SUPPORT OPEN MURDER....Michael Brown, Emmett Till, Trayvon Martin, 12 year old in Cleveland with a toy gun, Eric Garner in New York, the Scottsboro Boys and far, far too many nameless, face brothers murdered in America....JUST WHEN?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:37:31 +0000

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