MICHEAL SATA - SOME OF THOSE MEMORABLE POLITICAL QUOTES: In politics, you either loved him to the bone or the opposite, his character and personality never gave room for one to have a neutral feeling about him. A towering figure in Zambian politics over the last 30yrs, his ability to speak out regardless of the implications is what people will miss among other things. Here is just some of the classic responses you would get from the man of action during his years as a politician: In 2011, when there was concern on the expensive campaign the MMD mounted and fears of vote buying, he only had one response; 1. If they give you money get it and chew, its your money,umulembwe we shilu baunwa ilyo lyapena. 2. MICHEAL SATA (HEALTH MINISTER); Why is the ceiling falling off in the hospital like this? OFFICER IN CHARGE: You didnt give this task Sir. MICHEAL SATA: Sure nga mwanya, pali umyeba ukupipa? Ngatamulefwaya inchito landenifye, ubu bupuba 3. BEN KANGWA: Mr Sata dont you think you are too old, why not leave politics to young people? MICHEAL SATA: You see Ben when I was coming to the studio I was also thinking I will find a young person interviewing me . You have been here for a long time and you are also old. Why not leave it for the young ones. Until you stop I will not stop. 4. JOHN CHOLA: Mr President its your colleague Gabriel Namulambe who has the floor please allow him speak. MICHEAL SATA: Namulambe is not my colleague, he is an under five dont compare him to me. And you knew too well I have been starved I dont appear on ZNBC because Mr Paraffin is afraid of losing his job, why did you call me to come here when you knew I have 10 X more than him to say. 5. INTERVIEWER: Why did you choose the boat as your party symbol? MICHEAL SATA: Nomba walefwaya mbikepo ba wiso? 6. INTERVIER: There are persistent reports that you smoke Dagga sir, are those reports true? MICHEAL SATA: Is the rumour true that you are taking ARVs? 7. INTERVIWER: Mr. Sata, will you please tell us more about yourself? MICHEAL SATA: I am not here for the job interview and how many times will I tell the country that I was born in Chitulika village? 8. That ugly woman shall be your MP, she is very ugly but hardworking.....................
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:04:32 +0000

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