MICHELLE FREEDMAN - PARENTS BARRISTER FAMILY COURTS - Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with Michelle Freedman, - (a Barrister who acts on behalf of parents), - at Newcastle Court. My friend, who has a case being held there, earlier described her as beautiful, she is certainly not wrong. Michelle is a compassionate, sociable and very kind and caring. Indeed she has human qualities, unlike many of the professionals who operate in this totally foul environment. It is rare that these days, that one finds such qualities in ANY professional and I certainly have no hesitation in recommending her as a barrister to ANY parent who is experiencing difficulties. What a shame most of the others are nothing more than self serving lackeys, mere puppets, who do nothing more than dance to the tune of the Local Authority children services cash cow. Michelle, at least from what I observed, puts the human back into into this most abhorrent, inhuman and unprecedentedly vicious system. Although obviusly confined by the boundaries of her legal professionalism, when dealing with a client, she will follow that clients request, even if she disagrees and will remain faithful to her client. In other words, she will work for you, even if she disagrees with what you are asking her. Michelle is approachable, pleasant honest and caring and that you can discern from her manner. Her honesty is also accompanied by a gentle humoured response, if she is pushed into doing something, rather than reproach. Indeed I could not have asked for a more lovely person to represent my friend in such circumstance. I also had the pleasure of meeting the Brazilian delegate and I hope he takes away with him and reports back to his own Government, the events he has seen take place in what is currently one of the most abhorrent and disgusting practices, we have in here the UK today. The UK family courts are a travesty; an international disgrace. I do not know know how it is even possible, that such an underhanded, devious, manipulative, double dealing system can possibly even be considered as being a representative of our justice system. Someone really has a very sick and twisted interpretation of how the law should behave. Could that someone possibly be our Government? -
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:46:32 +0000

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