MIDLAND DAILY NEWS -- Tops on Glenn’s priority list would be to - TopicsExpress


MIDLAND DAILY NEWS -- Tops on Glenn’s priority list would be to make Michigan attractive for new business and industry. He would also make sure that every child had access to a quality and safe education by promoting the Universal Tuition Tax Credit developed by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. I’m not the type of person who is comfortable sitting around waiting for someone else to do a job, said Glenn, the only veteran in the race. ...Road funding. Glenn pledged not to vote to increase the gas tax or any other tax. I believe that we should use a greater percentage of the taxes collected on gas as a user fee to maintain the quality of our bridges and roads, Glenn said. “One way we could save money would be to repeal the prevailing wage law. I will sponsor legislation to do that. Funding for public school education. Glenn said the quality of public education is one of the special things about the quality of life in Bay and Midland counties. It is a major factor in attracting new businesses and industry, which is the long term solution, said Glenn, who would use Proposal A money for education and not let it be siphoned off for other uses. “I want to see local control of education and would oppose Common Core … We have got to change the funding formula that shortchanges Midland County because we have an above average commitment for our public schools. ...Early voting. Glenn would also like to see more people motivated to turn out. We have to be concerned with ballot integrity and make sure we take every step possible to protect your right to vote, Glenn said. I would require a photo ID to vote in the state of Michigan. I think voter fraud has to be a rising concern in this country. ...What actions in the state House did you agree or disagree with last year? Glenn said he was supportive of the elimination of regulations and happy to see budgets passed early. He would not have voted in favor of taxing pensions, Common Core or adding 500,000 people to the rolls of Medicaid.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:14:25 +0000

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