MIDTERMS ARE NEXT WEEK!!! Here are 9 Study Tips to get you through - TopicsExpress


MIDTERMS ARE NEXT WEEK!!! Here are 9 Study Tips to get you through Midterms Week: 1.) Alternative Study Spaces- Although some people swear by the library, cognitive scientists suggest that alternating study spaces is a more effective way to retain information. Memory is colored by location, and changing your study locales increases the likelihood of remembering what youve learned. 2.) Study and Homework Groups- Never underestimate the power of your peers, especially when working through a difficult problem set or reading assignment. Dividing and conquering is an effective way to reduce your workload -- and to make sure you understand the material. You might even make a friend in the process. 3.) Make Flash Cards- Sometimes the best habits are the ones weve used forever. Flash cards are oldies but goodies –- writing notes and definitions more than once will help imprint information in your memory, and the cards are a great way to develop and use mnemonic devices and associative phrases. 4.) Take Tests- As much as we may hate tests, it is reported that formal evaluations not only affirm knowledge but enhance it. Consistent testing can help us relearn and recall information, and it pays off when preparing for final exams. QUIZ YOURSELF! 5.) Sleep!- A tired mind is a slow mind. Get enough sleep and watch your GPA rise. 6.) Dont Categorize Yourself- Students often categorize themselves as visual or auditory learners, or as being left-brained or right-brained thinkers. Research has shown that these distinctions are largely erroneous. It is more important to figure out which study strategies work for you than to worry about where you lie on the learning spectrum. 7.) Go to Class- This one might seem obvious, but large lectures and early start-times often make class feel, shall we say, optional. The best way to prepare for tests is to attend classes and participate. You’ll have already begun the process of reviewing and will know what to expect on the exam (especially if you haven’t done the reading.) 8.) Dont Immerse Yourself in Study Material- In keeping with the age-old proverb that values quality over quantity, scientists have found that immersion is not an effective method of study. Rather than sticking to one subject and spending hours attempting to master it, you should switch between a few (related) topics. It’s less boring -- and you’ll learn more. 9.) Manage Your Time- The only thing worse than having a deadline is missing a deadline. Stay organized, cut down on procrastination and your work load will feel much more manageable. *tips courtesy of thehuffingtonpost
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:31:09 +0000

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