MIDWEEK SERVICE; 3rd July,2014 CONNECTIONS PART 2 BY: PASTOR MEDRAM CHIRWA VENUE: Bwaila Secondary School Hall The man of God was continuing from where he stopped last week get blessed as you read and listen with your spiritual ears! A greater man will not just compliment your life but will empower your life to become great man also, if You were struggling with poverty he will not just help you to get the things you want, he will make You to become the success, the wealth you want. A greater man releases a blessing but there is a Spiritual principle which apostle Paul gave in the book of 1 Co 9:11 If we have sown unto you Spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? Thus if the great ministers Spiritual things you ought to stand up and give physical things Don’t miss the principal give the physical things to enhance the connection with those who are greater than you. Don’t just fold your hands and watch the great men as they pass you by but do something to enhance the connection. In Hebrews 7:6-7,we learnt that Melchzedek had no father, no mother a man without any record –when Abraham was blessed through him we also see another great man called Jesus being born without father and mother also. When a blessing comes upon you it doesn’t end there it continues to reproduce until it floods the next generations also. Every man will have some features, characters/voice that resemble the greater man who blessed him; you will have some features and Identity of the one who blessed you. When you get a blessing today it will not just change you but also generations to come. When you take some people out of your life you gain acceptance from God, learn to separate yourself from others, sanctify yourself, cut some relationships for you to gain acceptance from God. WHAT MADE JOHN THE BAPTIST GREAT? John the Baptist was a great man no wonder Jesus said in the book of Mathews 11;11 Truly, I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist…..John said in the Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: In this verse John recognizes that he is less than the one who is coming, no wonder in John 3:30 John said Jesus must increase and I must decrease. Some of the things that made John great are: (1)The mission he carried. • When we serve great people we also end up becoming great, the service you render to other great men will make you great. You will never serve great people and you remain small, This is the same secrete which made Joshua & Elisha great in their time. There masters handed over their ministries to them. (2)His Integrity. • The things he conquered, the things that you win in life will make you great, John did not gave up he pursued his mission, Jesus Christ was his project, nothing else but to prepare the way for the great man Jesus. • John recognized that he was less than the master who was coming ahead of him; He knew his mission was just to prepare the way of the master, through his integrity John won his assignment. There are people who have rushed to puff themselves up thinking they have become great yet it was not yet their time. They lost their mission because God wanted them to remain less at that particular time. Don’t be corrupt or don’t use shortcuts but fight to achieve your mission with high integrity. You must learn to win life with integrity, when you win over sickness, poverty, failure with integrity you become a great man-You transfer the same to your children. Fight for your next generation 2Co 10:6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. When you are a man of integrity you will be able to punish every disobedience • Never win over poverty by corruption you will not be great and you make your children to struggle with the same corruption. • When you see things are not ok in your family, fight the fight of faith and win it using integrity, don’t allow sickness to continue tormenting your relatives, Don’t allow poverty to continue haunting your family stand up in God and overcome it for the sake of your children/the next generation, • Be rich not through corruption so that whoever is coming after you will never fight against poverty again-they will all eat the blessings from you. Worship with us at Bwaila Seconday School Every Sunday from 8:30-12noon & 2pm-5pm Midweek services every Thursday from 5pm-7pm.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:00:52 +0000

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