MILK NOT A HUMAN DIET:: REAL PURPOSE & USES & COWS & OTHER ANIMALS 1) Introduction to Ancient India : a) Male Cows are used for irrigation in India; especially in Tamil Nadu the cow development technique was well developed. Irrigation flourished in Tamil Nadu and land productivity & climate was highly favorable in those days for production variety of crops, medicinal herbs. This is the main reason why Tamil Nadu is the mother land for Ayurvedic & Siddha Medicines. b) Forest resources flourished in Tamil nadu and Rainfall is adequate , that in Olden days , the Kings of those days constructed Lots of Ponds, Lakes, constructed Majestic , Big & Strong temples with stones from mountains that they could endure for more than 2000 years and they could accommodate large amount of food grains and people in case of continuous rainfall. Productivity was high in Tamil nadu for which Irrigation method was the most important factor. c) Cows are considered 2) Science behind Fertile Land: a. Life & Ecosystem of Soil (Land): In olden days, Male cows were used to plough the land before sowing seeds. This method does not kill the microbes, earth worms in the land and Life in Soil is not disturbed. Earthworms go deep inside the soil and make soil spacious and enhance atmospheric air circulation deep inside soil. This helped in development of bacteria, fungus, and other microbes in soil. But alternatively TODAY TRACTOR kills all earth worms, microbes and finally converts land lifeless with only SOIL, a chemical product left out. b. Fertility of Soil: The bacteria, fungus and microbes easily decompose any bio organic material on the land and enrich the land with minerals. TODAY the life of land is destroyed by TRACTOR and natural decomposition of bioorganic materials won’t take place and SOIL exactly acts as Chemical necessitating artificial manure. c. Natural Manure & Productivity of Land: Depending upon the land fertility, plants grow, and depending upon plants the herbivores and its kind varies. Same applies for human type (color, height, type of physic, etc).The animals of that land add natural manure to the land through their routine Fecal wastes & urine. It is a chain of process that land feeds animals & man and they in turn feed land. Thus animals played a SIGNIFICANT ROLE in the productivity of Land. TODAY the concept of COW for farming is lost and COW for milk is established that the Male COWS population has become 1/50 th. d. COW’s Contribution to Natural Manure: Cow is worshipped by our ancestors due to its indispensability for human life existence on earth. Cow’s horns have the capability to absorb sunlight radiations and create minerals (calcium) which get discharged through its legs. It is for this reason cow race game is celebrated, so that cows from all near areas get together and make the land fertile, productive as the discharge from leg of cow is rich in calcium. e. Watering of Irrigation Lands: Due to loss of life & hence porosity of land by TRACTORs, the become HARD LUMPS resulting in breaking of link between underground water table & top water used for irrigation crops. This has resulted in stagnation of water on the TOP LAND for more time and hence more evaporation. Water is lost in evaporation and not returned to the LOCAL underground water table, resulting in gradual lowering of underground water table. As water table decrease, the link gets broken and more effort in PUMPING underground water to TOP. 3) WARNING FOR TODAY: The TRACTORS destroy the life , its ecosystem , Porosity , fertility , minerals , and hence productivity all are lost gradually in few years depending upon climate, maintenance of land & irrigation crops grown in. The forest area , vegetation , fauna (bacteria, fungus, microbes, cows, sheep’s) & flora that area decrease due to lowering of underground water table and finally RAIN FALL formation in those areas is reduced rending LAND TOTALLY UNFIT FOR LIFE. Cows are to be used for ploug ing the land in place of machinery tractors. 4) HIMSA to COW :COW Milk not a regular normal diet for Human: a) Every animal including COW, produce milk for its offspring and not for other creatures b) Cow Calf’s become unhealthy day by day & generation after generation as they are deprived of their milk and MAN has no right to drink its milk c) Milk is the cause of all stomach disorders, diabetes, asthma, etc and to digest the fat in milk , calcium in bone is used. d) After cow is visualized as milk yielding machine, and the science of irrigation is lost male cow population is seen as burden and is drastically reduced. The Natural Conjugal life of Cow is interrupted badly by Man for its milk. e) The women cow are given artificial hormones for birth and artificial feed and chemicals for milk which cause disease in cow and also yield defective milk causing harm to consumers. It is greatest Injustice and violence that MAN does for the fellow dependent animals. 5) Uses of COW & Sheep’s: a) The cow is used for ploughing land & for providing natural manure b) Other than it male cow is used to drag heavy loads c) The cow dung is of high medicinal value that our ancestors used it in flooring in the houses and also the cow dung mixed water is showered in front of the home to prevent harmful virus , bacteria’s from affecting human life d) Cow dung , milk, urine etc are of high medicinal value for proved in medical history in ayurvedic and siddha medicine. 6) CONCLUSION: Thus Cows are scientifically meant for enriching land, physical labor, medicinal products and its milk is used only as medicine to save life of people from acute diseases. Milk has never been a general natural food for human. Milk consumption has lead to lot of digestion problems, obesity, burdening of kidneys , livers, asthma cases, bronchial problems, diabetes, etc. The increase in the bone problems is mainly due to calcium corrosion from bones for the digestion of excess fats due to consumption of milk. Fasting improves bone strength as, fasting regulates the FAT content in the body thereby preserving the calcium in bones. The utilizing of milk as general diet has made Life (both animals & human) on LAND earth Miserable.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:20:03 +0000

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