MILLIONS OF KIDS IN THE USA WILL WAKE UP ON CHRISTMAS MORNING AND FIND NOTHING UNDER THE TREE FOR THEM. MANY FAMILIES WILL GO HUNGRY BECAUSE THEY CANNOT AFFORD FOOD. MANY WILL WALK TO SCHOOL IN THE VERY COLD WEATHER WITHOUT A WINTER JACKET. YOU CAN HELP US WIPE OUT THAT POSSIBILITY FOR THOUSANDS OF KIDS AND THEIR FAMILIES JUST BY MAKING A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TO DayOne Music. YOUR DONATION, LARGE OR SMALL, WILL ENABLE US TO MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE. BEFORE YOU DONATE PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT WHO WE TRULY ARE BY VISITING OUR WEBSITE (DayOneMusic). IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL ME PERSONALLY AT Info@DayOneMusic We are in our 25th year of traveling the world making a difference in the lives of people worldwide. We are different than most music groups or bands. We sing and perform music worldwide but that is the only similarity with normal bands/artists. We do what we do in order to serve away from the stage and concerts. It is our mission to reach out and bless those in need. We have blessed our men and women in the armed forces. We have blessed kids and provided them with school supplies. We have helped build orphanages and supply schools with proper materials to assist with the development of our precious children. But what we love doing so much is reaching out and making Christmas POSSIBLE when it seems like for many to be IMPOSSIBLE due to a lack of finances. THIS is where YOU can step in and help. Please take a moment to check us out, watch the videos on our website, and read about who we are and what we have done every year for the past quarter century. YES.....thats right.....because of people like you who donate and help us help others we are celebrating 25 years traveling the globe and bringing HOPE to those in need. I know many of you may not have ever heard of DayOne Music Ministries but THIS is why we are reaching out to you. We want YOU to be a part of this amazing opportunity to bless those in need at Christmas. Remember, all donations are tax deductible as we are a 501c3 non-profit organization based near Nashville, TN. You can donate online (info below), purchase a brand new toy and mail it to us, or you can send gift cards. If everyone who reads this would do something it would enable us to meet the need in just a few days. Heres the info: Donate Online: DayOneMusic/donate Donate Via PayPal: DayOneMusicDonation@gmail Ship new toys or gift cards: DayOne Music PO Box 825 Franklin, TN. 37065 Email e-gift cards to: Info@DayOneMusic Thanks SOOO much for helping us reach our goal of helping those in need this Christmas season! Take a look at last years NOEL Project in Toledo, Ohio.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:59:23 +0000

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