MIND-SPIRIT NIGHT EXPLORATION - HOW TO Recently, a friend of mine - TopicsExpress


MIND-SPIRIT NIGHT EXPLORATION - HOW TO Recently, a friend of mine said to me: What you do in one night is more than some people experience in a lifetime. You do not need to go on holidays as you are exploring exciting worlds every night. Actually, it is very true for me. I still love travelling to other countries, yet I do travel a lot to other countries of my own mind-universe. As a matter of fact, we all do, but most of people tend to forget it. Hence, they believe they never or rarely have these kind of night exploration experiences. In this post I am not concerned with explaining to anyone if the phenomenon is real or how it exactly works from the point of view of consciousness. Instead, I am going to focus on the practical aspect of the experience. Whoever feels excited about becoming more aware of how to lucid dream, OBE (out of the body experience) remote viewing etc. is welcome to experiment with the given tips. It is something I have been consciously practicing for over two decades. The technique I am sharing can be use as a gateway to other states of consciousness. It is a form of an interactive and very progressive method. Bear in mind you do not have to experience everything in the exact same manner it is described here. 1. Lie down and relax with your eyes closed. Make sure you are in a quiet place, where you can remain undisturbed for the duration of the exercise. Switch off your mobile phone and any gadgets, which may beep etc. Make sure your bladder is empty, and you are wearing comfortable clothes (or none). Use a light blanket to create an optimal temperature that is comfortable for you. Darken your room if you practice during the day. 2. Take several deep breaths in and out. Take the air in through your nose and allow the stomach to raise as you pump the air to the bottom of your lungs. Hold the air in for a couple seconds. You can silently count to 3, then release the air while pulling your stomach in. Make a hissing sound, as the air exits your lungs. As you are breathing the air out you may imagine a dense mist coming out. It symbolises tiredness. Relax. 3. Progressive muscle relaxation. Imagine your body relaxing. Imagine it becoming very sleepy. Feel it in your muscles. You can say in your mind: my toes are heavy and relaxed... my ankles are heavy and relaxed... my knees are heavy and relaxed... and so on and so forth. At the end make sure you relax your face and jaw. 4. Deepening the light trance state You will feel sleepy and relaxed. Continue deepening this state by focusing on the feeling of relaxation. There will be different thoughts coming and going. They may feel very random. Let them come and go without trying to control anything. Breath normally and you can use it as your focal point. 5. Raising your frequency At some point you will feel your body is going into deeper sleep yet your mind is awake. You may feel as if you were levitating, and you can also feel as if there was some energy current passing through your body increasing its speed. 6. The void - the click At this point many people fall asleep. If you fall asleep that is fine. You did not fail. It is a part of your learning and mastering this technique. If you have not fallen asleep at this point you will experience either an amazing feeling of peace and stillness (suddenly all thoughts are gone, and there is just you in the empty space) or you can sense/hear a click, and you will experience a sense of body-free non physical consciousness. 7. Get there and see what is next... From that state there are many things you can do. I will leave it to you to decide how you prefer to utilise this amazing state... In this technique there are two keywords in order to master it: - Do not try too hard. Just relax and play with it being a neutral observer. - Repetition (When you are excited about doing something you do it until you master it. There is no such thing as giving up. If you give up it means you are not really excited about it.)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 12:12:00 +0000

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