MINDFUL GUERNSEYS TIPS FOR MINDFUL EATING OVER THE FESTIVE PERIOD Before you even sit down to eat, take a few deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth, tune in! Notice how your body is feeling, are you really hungry? Really look at your food, take in the aroma, really savour the food you are about to eat. This really kick starts the digestive process. 1: CHEW AT LEAST 25 TIMES Chewing is probably the simplest and most effective way to develop the habit of eating mindfully. It also helps with the digestive process, something we need working at it’s best over the festive period. 2: PUT YOUR KNIFE AND FORK DOWN BETWEEN EACH MOUTHFUL Putting your knife and fork down between mouthfuls of food is an excellent complement to the chewing habit. The act of setting your knife/fork down forces you to focus on chewing your food rather than letting yourself mindlessly pick at your plate for your next bite. It also encourages you to slow down and attend more to the taste of your food, instead of just shovelling it down your throat as quickly as possible. 3: PUT YOUR FOOD ON A PLATE It may sound obvious, but eating out of a bag is not a very mindful practice. Get in the habit of placing even small snacks and desserts on a plate before you eat them. This will force you to acknowledge exactly what and how much you will be eating. 4: SIT AT A TABLE IF YOU HAVE ONE Once your food is on a plate, you may as well go the extra mile to sit at a table. Formalizing your dining experience can help draw your attention to your food and your eating habits. 5: DONT GET DISTRACTED WHILE EATING Eating while preoccupied, like watching the TV, texting, surfing the internet, working, driving etc, causes you to eat faster, eat more, and makes it harder to remember what you have actually eaten. 6: TAKE MINI PAUSES DURING EATING When we eat in a hurry, or while out with friends, our focus is with getting on with the next job or those we are with. We can often tune out of how are body is feeling, it may be sending you signals that it is full and no longer needs any food. We can often miss this and then find we are over full and uncomfortable. Listen to you body throughout the meal that way you are unlikely to over eat.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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