MINISTER OF EDUCATION - MACHAKOS COUNTY I hope you have taken - TopicsExpress


MINISTER OF EDUCATION - MACHAKOS COUNTY I hope you have taken stock of the poor showing of Machakos County in BOTH the 2013 KCSE and KCPE Examinations. This is an indicator of a slow but steady rot of education in our region - including our brother counties. We congratulate the county government for showing the way to other counties in terms of launches of county hardware and grand city plans. however it seems that basic things like education are not getting enough attention. What is the point of putting up parks at the cost of millions - though we appreciate it will generate income in the immediate, yet infrastructure in most of our primary and secondary schools is wanting. though a lot of money is spent in bursaries, it is not clear what impact it has as there may still be many academically able pupils from poor backgrounds. have you moved around and seen the high levels of indiscipline in schools, truancies by pupils and burn-out among teaching staff? headteachers who are better businessmen that school managers? parents who are apathetic to what is going on in schools assuming that free education has freed them from obligations. there is need to supplement what the national government has done, and make a strong input with the realization that investment in education will pay, and will be there for all to see in five years time. we dont want to see a launch of 200 schoolbuses or something like that, I only request you to come out strongly in your mandate. you may start by making a statement concerning the situation. accept that the situation does not look good but all of us, and give us your way forward. with the proper leadership of HE the governor, are able to change this situation.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:19:20 +0000

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