MINISTER WITTAKER WEARING CAPS OF DOUBLE STANDARDS ON PLAISANCE OVERSEER ISSUE I write on behalf of the citizens of Plaisance whom have become disheartened when we read the press release send out by Minister Wittaker on Saturday 4th October, 2014 in relation the conditions of employment and selection of the overseer in the Plaisance/ Industry NDC. Mr. Wittaker met with members of the village Plaisance having some gullible villagers believing that his visit was consequently genuine to resolve the issues that plague the hurting residents. Instead, it seem as though the Minister had come with directives our simply to put, came with his mind made up on whom he wanted as overseer, much to the disappointment of all present hence causing folks both articulate and irate to state their respective positions all in all to let Mr. Wittaker know that the villagers will not accept the person he had appointed who according to sources have a very shady and questionable character and was not suitable since he was not experienced for such a position. This young man has allegedly had issues of child molestation and while working with the Guyana Prison Service had aided in the escape of a prisoner to Suriname thus causing three prison officers to be interdicted. These allegation the Minister claims must be case of misidentity and that this young man was someone bearing the resemblance of Orlando Jaundoo but I will leave that up to the Guyana Prison Service and Special Branch unit of the Guyana Police Force. Plaisance remains resolute and awaits the appointment of Ms. Debra Mc Dowell as Overseer for the Plaisance/ Industry District Council. I would like to show the double standards of which the Minister administrates with. If my memory serves me right in 2012 – 2013 while dealing with the town clerk issue Minister Wittaker was quoted as saying “certification is not the only criteria that is used when selecting an officer and that years of service was very vital also”. This was in defense of his colleague and friend Carol Suba yet in the case of Ms. Debra Mc Dowell who served with distinction over fifteen (15) years in various capacities in the council and in this case Minister Wittaker propagates that certification matters most. The records also show that Ms. Mc Dowell have been developing herself academically over the years and holds a Diploma among other certificates. Those who understands Management especially in Human Resources can probably volunteer a session or two to the learned Minister. I have now lost whatever confidence andrespect I had for Minister Wittaker whom I once described as the goodly Minister. It would be remiss of me if I do not mention that Ms. Mc Dowell has been serving in various capacities in the NDC and has always been an exceptionally good employee causing the revenue of the Plaisance/Industry to ‘skyrocket’ under her watch and also having an increase in the payment of rates and taxes in her district. In all her years of service at no time has her competence and professionalism been questioned so why all the troubles now? These are reasons why she should be confirmed as Overseer of the Plaisance/ Industry District Council rather than bring someone who has no knowledge of Local Government moreso to understand the intricacies and rudiments of the job therein. Minister Wittaker would be more useful and show that he is a politician who is upright and serve the people if he use his energies in persuading the President and Cabinet to hold Local Government Elections which is constitutionally due over seventeen (17) years. Again I say, Plasiaince remains resolute and awaits the appointment of Ms. Debra Mc Dowell as Overseer for the Plaisance/ Industry District Council. Finally, the Minister came to Plaisance Friday afternoon and established that the two persons who turned up to the final interview was this questionable Orlando fella and a young lady Ms. Shevonne Wickham. I found two things inexcusable apart from the Minister claiming lack of knowledge of Orlando’s character. More appalling was that the Minister was not aware that Ms. Wickham is from Vryheid Lust which is right next to Plaisance and what was embarrassing for the Minister is he claimed Ms. Wickham was not as certified as Orlando nor was she certified for the job. I then introduced Ms. Wickham whom the Minister wasn’t aware was seated in the meeting until I asked her to produce her certificate which she did, a Degree International Relations from the University of Guyana. The Minister was seemingly mislead by his subordinates or was simply practicing the now prevalent ‘square peg in round hole theory’ which is synonymous with the PPP administration. The Minister tried a ‘ball’ that I easily read and dispatched to the stand for six when he pontificated by saying Ms. Wickham may have a Degree but it was not relevant for the job she was applying for so I then asked the Minister if his certification was relevant to his post as Minister of Local Government…..meeting ends. If you are curious the answer is NO even though he lied and said yes smiling as though we were at a cocktail meeting. Before I end I must say that Ms. Shevonne Wickham is by far more certified than that Orlando fella but they both have no experience at the NDC or Local Government levels. Finally, I say, Plaisance remains resolute and awaits the appointment of Ms. Debra Mc Dowell as Overseer for the Plaisance/ Industry District Council. I rest my case. Shawn Austin Concerned Plaisancian.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 18:33:07 +0000

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