MINISTRIES PERFORMANCE RANKING QUESTIONNAIRE (MPRQ) FOR ADMINISTRATION TOMORROW, JUNE 10TH, 2013 PERFORMANCE RANKING OF MINISTRIES STARTS JULY 1, 2013….SOCIAL MEDIA CHIEF The bureaucracy is the engine room for policy formulation and implementation. In a democratic system such as ours, the success of any administration is measured by how effective the civil service implements its policies and programmes. The rationale for creating the twenty-six Ministries is to ensure that every aspect of service delivery in the State is taken care of. One of the major challenges of the past administration is the inability and unwillingness of MDAs to implement the budget. In fact budgeting was reduced to an unenviable ritual and Commissioners regarded monies allocated to their Ministries as personal resources to be expended without accountability. It was this laissez-faire attitude that led to large scale peculation and ultimately the abandoned projects syndrome. This practice has changed under the Dickson administration. The new approach of this administration is to ensure that each MDA shows in advance, how it will engage the populace with high communication content for every programme and project. It will be the responsibility of the State EXCO to do a quarterly review the activities of each MDA. Training and re-training of personnel will be given adequate attention. Discipline will be the watchword of the civil service. Productivity improvement strategies would be used to unleash the potentials of workers. Promotion shall be performance-based and everything will be done to improve the morale of workers. Already, Governor Dickson has pledged to put the civil service in its pride of place through prompt payment of salaries, training and other welfare incentives. This will happen when the verification exercise has been concluded and the actual staff strength of the State is ascertained. Governor HSD has pledged government’s commitment his also build three ring roads in Yenagoa Metropolis to enhance traffic and aesthetic beauty of the Capital City. The Governor is doing a good thing to put the State on a progressive path of development. On our part as citizens, workers, youths, we should be patient with HSD and support his fight against corruption by appreciating the on-going verification exercise in the civil service of Bayelsa State. Administration is government in motion and an effective bureaucracy is a sine qua non for the efficient delivery of government policies, plans and programmes. The restoration administration is doggedly determined to revamp the hitherto ailing civil service to become a virile, dynamic and purposeful one to be the engine room that it truly is. TEMPLATE FOR ASSESSING THE PERFORMANCE OF MDAs Recognizing the need for the effective implementation of the Restoration Agenda, and considering the imperatives of laying down parameters to guide the implementation of government policies and programmes, this template has been provided to assess the performance of MDAs in Bayelsa State. The aim of the assessment is to guide the operation of MDAs and encourage them to perform optimally for greater productivity. The overarching goal is improve the delivery of democracy dividends in Bayelsa State. The Criteria include: 1. Efficiency: In the optimization of human, material and fiscal resources to achieve results. 2. Transparency in terms of conducting governmental businesses. 3. Accountability in terms of accuracy in keeping government official transactions and making such record available got public scrutiny. 4. Policy and programme implementation in accordance to the policy thrust of government. 5. Participation in Government that is involving people in the process of taking decision. 6. Fiscal Discipline in term of budget implementation to meet government long, medium and short term targets and to build trust that money is spent in the right way. 7. Sustainability: How do Ministries and Parastatals implement and sustain their policies and programmes? 8. Public Performance Index: The performance of government Ministries and parastatals in the eyes of the people. 9. Budget Implementation: The degree to which Ministries and Parastatals comply with budget implementation guidelines to meet projected targets in a fiscal year. 10. Result-Oriented Programmes: This explains how the projects and programmes of government Ministries and Parastatals yield tangible results in terms of SMART: Sustainable, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic Timeliness. 11. Due Process Compliance: The ability of any Ministry/Parastatal to comply with stipulated due process and public procurement procedures in terms of contract awards. 12. Contribution to the economy: Here, what is considered is the extent to which Government Ministries & Parastatals contribute meaningfully to the growth of the economy. 13. Synergy: This criterion concerns how government Ministries/Parastatals collaborate and work cooperatively with other Ministries and Parastatals to implement the policies of government. The aim is to ensure the policies and programmes of the Restoration are implemented with increased vigour and greater effectively. We believe that the exercise will enable MDAs to redouble efforts in setting the required standards of performance in accordance with Governor Dickson’s pledge for accelerated development of the State. We have embarked on non-probability sampling technique to select 40% of the Ministries. We listed all the Ministries in the state and obtained a sample frame; wrote each Ministry on a slip of paper and balloting without replacement was carried out. The non-probability technique produced the following Ministries: 1. MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY DEVEVELOPMENT 2. MINISTRY OF SPORTS AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 3. MINISTRY OF CULTURE & IJAW NATIONAL AFFAIRS 4. MINISTRY OF ENERGY 5. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT 6. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE & NATURAL RESOURCES 7. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 8. MINISTRY OF HEALTH 9. MINISTRY OF WORKS AND INFRASTRUCTURE 10. MINISTRY OF SPECIAL PROJECTS – GOVERNORS’ OFFICE These 10 Ministries will be ranked in accordance with the 10 established criteria namely: 1. Efficiency and Effectiveness 2. Transparency and Accountability 3. Policy and programme 4. Participation in Government Decision Making 5. Fiscal Discipline and Prudence 6. Sustainability 7. Public Performance Index: 8. Budget Implementation: 9. Contribution to the economy 10. Synergy: Courtesy: Bayelsa Social Media Committee
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:55:39 +0000

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