MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY , PETTY TRADERS AND SIERRA LEONE TRADERS UNION FAMILIARIZATION TOUR IN DARU. KEY NOTE ADDRESS OF THE HON. MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY, ALHAJI USMAN BOIE KAMARA: Thanks to The Paramount Chief and his determine authorities. Am part of this chiefdom, thats why am happy to be here. Am a Minister for all Sierra Leoneans as the Chief said and our development via the President will cut across. Am in my home town, this is my home town. The Paramount chief has ask me to pass my night here today but I will come later to do that. Development kno no political party. If you bring development in the country majority of the people will be happy. Look at the newly constructed bridge by the President. Am always happy to be in DARU as the Paramount is developmentally oriented. We shall bring more development in this chiefdom, my Boss is determine to do that. We shall rectify the loan issue by ensuring that DARU get its own share. The cash to ensure this come to reality is now available. Please note that the loan is meant for all Sierra Leonenas. We will issue soft loan for three years at the rate of 5% rotationally till every trader benefit from it. Please be honest and pay back when you get the loan, as this will be a tangible way to redistribute wealth and ensure others prosper. Please scale your priorities and present them to the Traders Union and their executives. We shall sit together to get solutions to our problems. We are touring round the country to know the issue of our traders and play positive role as a Government to get a lasting solution to their vulnerable plights. We are ready to work with their authorities to make things better. We commend The Bike Riders Association for their role in the economic development of our country, and we encourage you to change your attitude and do more. Government respect and recognize your role but it has to be with the laws of the land. I respect and encourage you to do more. Chief Abdulai Musa Sheriff: We need inclusive development and we stand by you. We know you are a philanthropist and we sincerely trust you. Today, we surrender this chiefdom to you. Particularly constituency 006. Our paramount chief is always ready to tangibly work with people that are developmentally oriented. Thanks to the chiefdom authorities for their proper senses to warmly host you irrespective of their various political beliefs. This is a very big development for us in this chiefdom. It shows we have no political differences when it comes to handle the concerns of our people. In this Chiefdom, we need development irrespective of our political beliefs. We cannot afford to stay behind whilst other parts of the country are forging ahead. We shall continue to encourage total tolerance in this our Chiefdom. We are deeply gratified to receive you and some of us will follow you wherever you go. We were with you in SLPP and when you asked us to join the APC we followed without questions. PARAMOUNT CHIEF NGOMBU KLA KALLON: If you refuse to join politics politics will join you. But am not a politician. If you cry for this Minister he will know it. I want to talk on issues that matter. We are here to receive someone special in our chiefdom. I welcome The Hon. Minister and his entourage to my Chiefdom. Mr. Minister you are welcome in your very own chiefdom. Chairperson Ibrahim Sesay: He described the Paramount Chief as a man with integrity that has total respect for the laws of the land. I have special respect for The Trade Minister of this country, he always rise above the odds that keep sending this country backward. Look at his positive Statesmanship qualities: He thought it fit not to sit in his Ministry without knowing the constrains of his traders throughout the country. Therefore he decided to tour round the country to ascertain the circumstance that leads to the vulnerable conditions of our traders. This is completely incredible for a Minister in Sierra Leone to drive through the rough roads, not for campaign purpose but to meet his people, reason with them and find an amicable solution to their concerns. Sir, you are the first Minister to break this line of civilization in our District and Chiefdom. Let me seize this God giving opportunity by asking you to echo my thanks and appreciation to The President for the road infrastructure leading to this town. Chairman Alfred Tennessee: Usman Boie is a man I trust. Please lets talk on the interest of all rather than individual benefit. We need development in Jawie Chiefdom. Women and their husband need capitals to engage in their trading activities. We seriously need good help. District Chairperson for Traders Mr. Gbessay Gobeh: Thanks for the 300, 000,000 your Ministry issued to Traders. Mr. Minister please understand that we in Kailahun never benefited from that loan. We have lot of constrains in this District as traders. Markets were built in wrong locations were there are no need for them in e first instance. We encourage you to make another tour and see the evidence on the ground as they prevail. Commercial Bank loans are exploitative and are a real burden to the progress of traders in our country. Taxes and dues paid by traders have no benefit for our people in the ground. They sincerely create no difference in terms of changing the trading environment of our people. Conditions are still unhygienic and disgraceful for our people. We highly appreciate your visit in this District and we encourage you to keep on making such important tours. Chairlady Bintu Sillah: Appeals to The Hon. Minister to know the problems of women in the District, as must of them are the breadwinners in most homes. Please think of Kailahun District irrespective of party colors. Please when you return do positive things for Kailahun District as we are completely vulnerable. Chairman Bike Riders Association Mr. Mohamed Bayoh: Thanks to His Excellency The President for recognizing us as respectful people. Initially when we started this Association many people in this country named us with disgraceful names and went on describing us as criminals. We would be pleased if The Minister can help us with loan to get more motorcycles in the streets to provide more jobs for unemployed youth. APC Chairperson, Mr. Samuel Sesay: Please realize that if the Minister assist us with loan dont turn away from it. APC is not for APC supporters only its for the county at large. Thats the aims and objectives of The President. For those of you who would prefer not to accept loan from APC you are seriously hurting yourself and those around. This is no longer time for politics, its time for us to come together as one and positively push forward for a better Sierra Leone. This is the message your leaders are suppose to preach to you in your secrete and open meetings.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 12:10:10 +0000

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