MINISTRY OF TRADE, INDUSTRY, INVESTMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS Media Release: It is rather peculiar that an undated video, framing what is alleged to be a Minister of Government surfaces - one that carries no evidence of anything but a distraction from the real burning issues of the day, some of which were raised by the Honourable Minister of Sport, Anil Roberts. Any attempt to answer the questions on the video would serve the agenda of an Opposition so desperate to distract the population from the achievements summarised in the fourth Anniversary of the Peoples Partnership, that it would go to any length. It is not just coincidental that it was Anil Roberts who exposed critical questions on Minority Leader of the Opposition, Keith Rowleys personal interest in the Wastewater Project. As a reminder, Minister Roberts asked the Minority Opposition Leader whether he did in fact once meet with Ganga Singh on the Beetham Wastewater project accompanied by a group of potential investors. He was further asked whether this interest continues today on the project. Those questions remain more relevant today than any video of an alleged Minister rolling an unidentified substance. There is no relevance to the political theatre crafted by agents of mischief, produced and directed with obvious intent to distract from issues that affect the population. The Government sees this as nothing more than a vicious attempt at character assassination and will not validate it with any further commentary. Nothing should detract the population from the very real positive changes they encounter due to the peoples revolution. The evidence of that is what the Opposition wants the population to forget. Finally, development has happened in areas where it matters most, to the people. The depleted Treasury which the last administration left, has now been bolstered by strong, prudent management and the economy is strong again with unemployment and inflation at an all time low. There has been a dramatic transformation of a 24/7 water distribution programme. More schools and health centers have been built in the last four years than have been done in decades. Business and investment in Trinidad and Tobago is easier now than at any other period in our nations history. After inheriting an annual crime rate that had peaked at 550, the political will currently in place has seen it driven down to 334 in just four short years. Investment has moved from empty skyscrapers and grandiose projects into more roads and bridges than ever before. And these are just a few of the areas of transformation sweeping the country. That is the real evidence which the population knows and cares about.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 20:11:28 +0000

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