MINO (A0969393) WOULD YOU LET HIM BE KILLED BECAUSE HE’S ITCHY? Imagine someone asking you to be on your very best behavior while your skin was itching badly and had been for quite some time. That is exactly what happened to Mino, a young lad who was found in front of a building in Queens as a stray. This cute white and black pit bull mix is not much beyond a puppy at 1 year 6 months of age. Mino is a show stopper and can bust out a great grin no problem. He stands proud and solid, longing for a new home to go to. Mino has a very TREATABLE case of mange which needs some medical attention to fix him right up--it is a slam dunk! Until this gets addressed poor Mino will be a bid edgy and not sure about trusting the folks in the ACC who wanted to put him in a muzzle. Makes total sense given the big picture here! The even bigger picture is that Mino is on the ACC kill list tonight and won’t get the love and medical treatment he needs unless we intervene on his behalf. Please share and advocate for Mino so that he can find that good home he craves and deserves. He is on the public list so we need to do it tonight! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=633185470027669&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=3&theater
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 19:37:13 +0000

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