MINORITY JUDGES ARE SELLING CAREER FUTURES FOR IOUS TO ATTORNEYS. Here is what I have observed: Just because someone says they are a liberal does NOT mean they will support the necessity for vigorous enforcement of EEO laws. Nor does the fact that a jurist is in a Protected Class guarantee that they will act to protect the rights of PCs or even other Minorities. Time after time, PC judges have sold out to Corporate or Defense attorneys. Here are just a few examples: Judge Geoffrey Wright: Judge Wright was handed a Slamdunk case against a notorious NYC Slumlord with miles of evidence against this person. His response? To dismiss the case because the Plaintiff could not attend a Traverse Hearing on the date set by the Defense attorneys without notice or agreement by the Plaintiff. Further, Judge Wright apparently is unfamiliar with the MTD laws that specifcally preclude the dismissal of entire actions based on a technicality. What punishment was effected to correct for this clear abuse of discretion: Judge Wright was PROMOTED to the NYS Supreme Court!! He happens to be African American. Dirty deal with BG and K&K. Judge George Daniels: Federal judge who aided in cover up of SAS fixing of the Verizon case. Outright lied in Order asserting that I was represented by counsel at all relevant times. Clearly, relevant times was when P did not need counsel. Further, Daniels stated that P twice affirmed the Settlement. Onlky problem was that all terms were not finalized when this occurred and P rejected the Final Draft. This was a fixing of the case as a favor to PH on behalf of Verizon. So we have a minority judge helping a corrupt Employer who was proven to have violated several EEO laws. Daniels could have followed 2nd Cir. (Winter) but chose to cover up for SAS instead. Dirty deal with Ken Gage.Daniels happens to be AA. Judge Batts: Federal Judge who fixed OOS case against Chief Justice Lippman. Pre-empted statutory deadline for response to MTD by 10 days. Then issued Order that P needed permission to file appeal. Complete obstruction of all Due Process. Acted to help cover up SAS and JAL dirty deals. Her career is now over. Another dirty deal with--you guessed it---Ken Gage. There are more examples of judges who have been improperly influenced by corrupt lawyers acting on behalf of Employer Defendants who broke the law. These happen to be Minorities (like Acosta). A huge price to pay for a dirty deal with an attorney, usually involving outrageous demands for legal fee kick backs and favors in return. Now we emphasize that being a Minority is not immunity to criminality. There are just as many criminal Blacks as Whites. But when you appoint a judge, who swears under oath to uphold the law, and then uses their authority to SUBVERT the law, you have a BAD JUDGE that must be removed before they contaminate others. These matters started with TWO bad judges who were minorities: Judge Acosta and Judge Scheindlin. Both got derailed over secret legal fee deals. Its all over the Record. This should have been a secondary issue and probably decided by a separate more objective fact finder. Time has proven how wrong they both were. Verizon was hit with a Class Action $80,000,000 case only six years later on the IDENTCAL COAs and similar facts. That year Judge Gerard Lynch issued an Order Dismissing my case against them where FALSE facts were cited and fatal evidence disregarded. Ken Gage was responsible for that ruse as well. WPP did not learn their lesson either. After LOSING a jury trial, AND PTMs for sufficiency (rendering the appeal frivolous on its face), they filed a (smart ass) appeal which was heard by the activist Lippman Court. Lippman loves to help Employers in trouble and cannot wait to redistribute funds from successful Women to those he deems deserving (Robin Hood justice). Ironically his decision gutted Discrimination laws and cost millions of PC workers their jobs. Lippman also loves to dispense favors and loves sob stories from Judges who abuse their discretion. He and his four other male panelists JUMPED on the chance to REVERSE a decade of litigation, a half century of civil rights advancements, and REFUND the damages back to the proven violator, WPP. We now know WHY: WPP is a major donor to the Democratic party. (Just as Verizon is, along with large donations to the Pubs as well). In Lippmans mind, and we KNOW this from his long running babbling in public, the Courts want to help families (traditiional) not single women who happen to be seriously competent overachievers. All he needed were a few gender laced inflammatory libelous statemnts from Drinker Biddle and he was Game On. So eager he did not bother to get the legal standards correct! But this liberal and his partner in crime, Chief Justice Gonzales, had a hidden agenda. They wanted to use the Bates case to CHANGE THE LEGAL STANDARD FOR PROVING PRETEXT IN DISCRIMINATION CASES to make it HARDER (95 to 1 is not hard enough) to prove Discriminaion by not only weakening Pretext standards but gutting the McDonnell Douglas SOR to remove the third leg. Followed Greg Homer of DBR right off that cliff. Unfortunately NONE of them correctly interpreted the SOR. Homer was simply wrong as we advised him at the time in our Pleadings. Lippman, that flaming liberal made sure that the appeal to NYCOA was never heard, despite serious legal issues raised. More interested in Bianca Jaggers evicrion case. In retrospect, both dramas were about dispensing favors to the party most likely to fill coffers of the political party of choice. Ironically both abuses cancelled each other out leaving the Victims of Discrimination with less rights than they had a half century ago. This is why we cannot just trust that if someone is Female or Black that they will enforce EEO laws. Nor can we expect White Males who should know better (GSL). They are all puppets for these sleazy defense attorneys whom, because of our flawed nomination process, and lack of accountability compensation process, control everything Ex Parte (why no hearings should ever be). Just think of the promising careers destroyed because of lack of ethics. No, there is no guarantee that appt of Women Minorities will result in stronger enforcement. In fact, the OPPOSITE has been true. . Rome was not built in day. We need to slow down nominations and start looking at decisions by the candidates to see if they follow the Rule of Law. And if they are smart enough to comprehend the legal issues. In the case of Judges Daniels and Batts the intellect was there but the ethics were not. Loyalty has no place in the Judciary unless it is fidelity to the Law. And Minorities are just as easily bribed as Whites. Maybe easier because they want to fit in and appear to play ball. These attorneys do not care if they destroy a judges reputation. DONT TAKE THE BAIT!! JUDICIAL REFORM NOW END DISCRIMINATION NOW
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:33:09 +0000

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