MINUTES: September 26, 2013 ReUrbanate: Downtown Albuquerque In - TopicsExpress


MINUTES: September 26, 2013 ReUrbanate: Downtown Albuquerque In Attendance - Margaret Connealy, Tim Trujillo, Dan Majewski, Robb Chavez, Samantha Clark, Susan Diechsel, Stanley Meyers, Michaele Pride, Chad Gruber, Ric Higginbotham, Roxanna Meyers, Bob Tilley Dan + Tim called the meeting to order and shared the agenda. HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS Exciting Parking Day, but we did not have the Gold Street site. UNM CityLab held a great spot at 505 Central Ave. They took care of 10 parking spaces for Parking Day! Michaele shared the results. There were a number of classes, yoga, drawing, drumming, etc… We have a great set of pictures. Posted on instagram,and #parkingdayabq ABQRide parklet: Set up the day after Parking Day at CNM Main. They shared the idea that they were showing folks how we could have more park spots all over if folks gave up their cars and rode the bus; ABQ Ride. PROJECT STATUS REPORTS PARQUITOS – Tim: We are still in review process with the city. One Goal - Build a list of all the departments that are needed to sign off. Tim is still hoping for a prototype of the process to be developed with the city. Michaele shared that the city was looking at all the different proposals . But the ones in front of City Lab are funded and ready to go. It seems that sponsorship for the Parquitos is critical, as in New York where they partnered with local buisnesses. This idea came from the bureaucracy of the city and not just the parklets advocates! TEAM BETTER BLOCK - Andrew Howard will be here October 21 for about 36 hours! Testing scenarios in an expensive way that can lead to facilitation of changes in infrastructure. They build a façade so city officials and business owners can actually “see” the idea, etc…Andrew Howard. This work usually focuses upon a road diet and facades as part of a total or entire project or vision. Michaele shared pix from the Better Block site WWW.TEAMBETTERBLOCK.COM /NORFOLK We will partner with UNM to host a 2 hour session regarding the idea. There will be a tour with the leader of this project to possible sites, the afternoon will hopefully be a brown bag lunch for students etc.. here at City Lab. Roxanna shared an idea she had with Rick from DAT about setting up “ pop up retail” all over downtown for a possible Holiday shopping market on Central Ave. or 4th St. This discussion was lengthy and not completed it will be a primary focus of the October meeting. This should include the building of a long-range plan for this project with short and long-range goals and timelines. It was felt the 2014 Holiday season should be our priority focus! BIKE DISTRICT – Tim is on the Board for Downtown Main Street managed by DAT, part of the National Trust, and they are taking over the Bike Friendly District. They will be involving volunteers. There are board meetings once a month. Other ABQ Main Street locations - Barelas, Downtown, South Valley, Nob Hill. Main Street is an economic development tool. It is a 503c. Tim will follow up on how we can be involved with the Bike Friendly Project and Downtown Main Street. It was suggested Bob Tilley be a member of the board. BOSUE VISION – This has been a controversial and interesting item for our city. One suggestion was that we hold a decision on our position regarding this project until after the election. Robb feels we should at least discuss and get a sense of how our group feels about this project. No formal position on Bosque Vision until after the elections. JEFF SPECK – Will be coming to ABQ but we do not yet have a signed contract. Roxanne sees his work as valuable and worth paying his fee for working with us. If OK with Mr. Speck, she will email all of us the report he wrote and it includes strong details she feels. OPEN FORUM – No specific open forum discussion, meeting became an “open forum”. David Rusk – past mayor, responsible for our city sector plans. Author of cities without suburbs. He champions “inclusionary zoning”. Susan will meet him in DC and visit regarding this zoning for Albuquerque. He will hopefully do a salon in ABQ. Susan wants to know if people would attend? UPCOMING EVENTS Oct. 17, 9-1 - Healthier Weight Council Fall Symposium; at Carpenters Union Bldg., 3900 I-25 Pan Am Freeway frontage road. October 21 – TEAM BETTER BLOCK + Andrew Howard will be here October 5 and 13 - Duke City Cruisers – Slow Rides, Samantha has more information on these rides Nov 1 – Next Pecha Kucha @ UNM CityLab Last Friday of each month - Critical Mass – Bike event usually starts at the Duck Pond UNM around 6:30 NEXT MEETING - Oct. 24, Thursday, 7-9 PM Adjourn – 9:25 Minutes respectfully submitted, Ric Higginbotham, Secretary ReUrbanate ABQ
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 23:05:41 +0000

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