MINUTES THAT WERE APPROVED AT LAST NIGHTS MEETING... Regular Meeting February 10, 2014 6:00 P.M. OPENING PRAYER offered by: Acting Supervisor Feger PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by: Acting Supervisor Feger Call Meeting to order: Acting Supervisor Feger ROLL CALL: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( x ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) Hiller ( a ) Risinger (x) McCormick ( a ) Christianson ( x ) Guests: Jim Yokum, Joe Hranka, Les Knollenberg, Jim McCool. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & COMMENTS: Joe Hranka and Les Knollenberg discussed the possibility of having a *Fire Safety Day* this year. The Fire Boards are in the early stages of discussion but plan to present a proposal to the Township Board next month. A variety of ideas are being considered such as fire extinguisher checks & proper use demonstrations, as well as the possibility of having defibrillators available at strategic locations to name a few. Motion to Approve Minutes of: Public Hearing & Regular Town Mtg. January 13, 2014 Motion by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: None Trustee Hranka asks that one correction to the minutes is that she abstained from the vote re: Pioneer Committee. Voice Votes: All in favor: Motion Carried. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence this month. APPROVE TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by: Shallenberger Second by: Arnold Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUEST: None Requested. OLD BUSINESS: 1.) Review Goals in preparation for Final Decision in March 2014. Trustee Shallenberger comments that he has no additions. Trustee Hranka suggests that the Economic Development Council for Central Illinois may be a resource for the Township to instruct and direct the board on any grants or Federal Funding that may be available. She hopes to set up a presentation and to include on the March agenda. Trustee Feger says he will discuss this with Supervisor McCormick when he returns from his vacation. 2.) Pioneer Committee Contract: Trustee Arnold reviewed with the board and Pioneer Committee members in attendance a number recommended changes to the most recent contract proposal. Going over each item, point by point, he states that most are simple wording changes to clarify and define certain points. With each proposed change he asked for Mr. Knollenberg’s input and he was in agreement with each proposed change. In addition Mr. Knollenberg suggests that after the term of this contract, which is for one year, he would like to have future contracts ready for “board approval” each January and in place for a vote at the Annual Town Meeting each April. 3.) Recycling Contract: Acting Supervisor Feger states that recycling itself is a good thing but considering the cost and abuses he is not in favor of renewing. Trustee Hranka agrees with Mr. Feger and states there are other options within the Township such as lists of locations and phone numbers that can be used by residents of the township for recycling. Trustee Arnold also agrees and he is not in favor of renewing the contract. Trustee Shallenberger agrees, stating that we need to explore other options. Motion Not To Renew Recycling Contract: Motion by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: Road Commissioner Risinger comments that we still need to bring this to The Annual Town Meeting. Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: 4.) Tables: Trustee Shallenberger reports that ten 10 foot tables have been purchased at a cost of approximately $70.00 + tax each. Tables will be stored in the Road District building for any designated or approved use within the township. NEW BUSINESS: 1.) Motion to Accept: Resolution 2014-3 A Resolution of the Electors of Groveland Township, Tazewell Co. Illinois, or inter-fund Loans & Transfers from the General Town Fund. Motion by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: Road Commissioner’s Report: Mr. Risinger repots they are still busy with the ongoing weather related road issues. Otherwise it’s business as usual. Assessor’s Report: No report in the absence of Mr. Hiller. General Assistant Report: November/December 2013 by: Stephanie Stecken, Case Worker. January/February CLIENT G.A. /E.A. EXPENDITURES: $750.00 January/February E.A. REPORT: There were eleven inquires this month. Three clients met eligibility and were issued assistance. Four clients were sent application documents. Two were referred to other possibly appropriate agencies and two others did not meet eligibility. January/February E.A. REIMBURSEMENTS: PAYING OF BILLS: Motion to Pay Town Bills: Motion by: Arnold Second by: Hranka Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: Motion to pay GA bills: Motion by: Shallenberger Second by: Arnold Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: Motion to Pay Road & Bridge bills: Motion by: Hranka Second by: Arnold Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: Motion to Pay Special or Permanent Road Bills: Motion by: Shallenberger Second by: Hranka Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold (x) Feger (x) Shallenberger (x) Hranka (x) McCormick ( ) Motion Carried: Trustee Hranka asks the board to review the new edition of the *Perspective* publication prior to the Annual Town Mtg. saying there are some ideas that may be beneficial. MOTION TO ADJOURN by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger All in favor: Voice Votes: Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned at: 7:15PM Respectfully Submitted: Pam Christianson Town Clerk
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:16:42 +0000

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