MINUTES of the MEETING of Kelso Community Council held in the - TopicsExpress


MINUTES of the MEETING of Kelso Community Council held in the Dickson Room, Cross Keys Hotel, Kelso on Tuesday 10 June 2014, at 7.00 pm PRESENT: Provost John Bassett (Chair), CouncillorsBetty Hodges, Colin McGrath and Fiona Scott and Scottish Borders Councillor Alec Nicol IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Alan Livingstone (Chamber of Trade) and Shirley Redgrave (Secretary) APOLOGIES: Councillors Dean Weatherston, Harry Tomczyk, John King and Gavin Horsburgh and SBC Councillors Simon Mountford and Tom Weatherston Welcome Provost John Bassett welcomed members of the Council and public to the meeting. Police Matters The Secretary advised the April 2014 Police Scotland report had previously been circulated. Provost Bassett advised a new style Community Police report had been agreed by Police Scotland and this will be the format used in the submission of the next report. It will still be based around the priorities within the ward plan. Councillors welcomed this news as the report would be more up to date. The Secretary advised it is likely Suzanne Howgego will be sent to assist at the Common Wealth Games. This is subject to confirmation but Suzanne will advise the Community Council once known. Chamber of Trade Report Mr Livingston advised Kelso traders were finding trading conditions in the town quiet, primarily due to parking issues. He commented the traders were looking forward to work being completed in the Square. Mr Livingston commented there were issues re parking in Woodmarket due to the vehicles of the contractors working on the new building. The Provost advised work on the Square was ahead of schedule and it was still anticipated it would be complete by Civic Week. He advised there would be 18 parking spaces up from 12. In addition there would be 4 disabled parking spaces in the Square with a charging point for electric cars/scooters. Mr Livingston asked for an update on the taxi rank and the Provost advised the location had yet to be confirmed. It was noted currently there are only 3 – 4 spaces for taxis which was down from previous 6 spaces. The Provost commented taxis were coming into the town from outside the area. The Provost thanked the Chamber of Trade for providing the hanging baskets in the town. At this point a member of the public, Ms Linda Barrack, presented the Community Council with a petition which had been compiled over the Bank Holiday, relating to the Scooter Rally weekend. Ms Barrack advised she lived in Rennie Count and over the weekend of the Scooter Rally there had been considerable noise issues at night with visitors returning to the showground. She and fellow residents had found this extremely disturbing. In addition the following day she had found broken glass in the Square and on Bridge Street. She advised she had contacted both the Police and Scottish Borders Council but was anxious that the appropriate body would take her complaint on board. It was also noted there appeared to be a lack of police presence in the town over the weekend and particularly at night. The Provost advised it was illegal for publicans to allow clients to leave their premises with glass containers. The Provost advised Ms Barrack her petition would be taken seriously and a copy would be passed to Councillor Alex Nicol, Chair of the SBC Petitions Committee who would raise it the local Police Inspector. A strategy would be prepared to deal with further weekend events. The Provost asked the Secretary to keep Ms Barrack informed of the outcome. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2014 Councillor McGrath requested confirmation a letter had been sent to the Leader of SBC regarding the end of the garden waste collection in Kelso. The secretary advised this had been sent and the response would be circulated once received. Councillor Hodges asked how much it cost to deal with the additional 690 tonnes of garden waste from Kelso which is not now collected through the green bin collection service and Councillor Nicol undertook to find out and report back. The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 13 May 2014 were approved. They were proposed by Councillor Colin McGrath and seconded by Councillor Fiona Scott. Matters arising a) Stakeholders Briefing Apologies had been received from Councillor Harry Tomczyk but he had submitted the following report – The walk around was very useful and highlighted some issues as well as making some clearer. The general synopsis is that the work is progressing on schedule for the Square and surrounds and everything should be OK for Civic Week if not entirely finished. Some work outside the Square has been delayed to achieve this. Details were given of the electricity supplies which are being laid for users of the area in front of the Town Hall.The parking space for electric cars will have free electricity charging but it is unclear as to whether this can be used by disability scooters. There will be lighting for both main faces of Kelsae but further discussions are due to take place with Jake as he has some other ideas. The Pantwell now has planning permission. It is not known when building will start but it is thought that it is likely to be this autumn. It is anticipated that the new toilets will be operational by Civic Week but the building may not be complete internally and access will only be from one side as the paving work cannot start until the scaffolding has been taken down. Further discussions took place regarding the provision of extra parking in Bridge Street. This seems likelyand further discussions are due to take place with the Bridge Street traders. Further discussions took place on the taxi rank and it was noted that action had taken place to stop parking by taxis in areas beyond the rank. Plans for traffic signs in the town centre were circulated. The next meeting of the Stakeholders would be held on 3 July 2014 at the Town Hall. There is nothing further to report on the Public Art. The Provost reconfirmed this and advised information on works and the timetable were displayed in the old wine shop in the Square. It was noted some changes had been proposed to the design works without discussion with the Community Councillors but these had reverted back to the original agreed plans. The Provost commented it was anticipated all works should be complete by October 2014. b) Grass Cutting It was noted there were issues with the grass cutting in the Town. Councillor Nicol commented this had been as a result of the procurement service being late. The Provost asked Councillors to report any issues back to SBC Councillors. Councillor Nicol informed the Community Council that the Housing Association have taken over the responsibility for the grass cutting around thehousing estates, but had not put out the contract until the start of the grass cutting season, and were now trying to catch up. If any area had been missed please pass it back to SBC Councillors and they 3 will look into it. Councillor Hodge commented the Kelso Horticulture Society had planted up the beds at Bridge End. The Provost thanked Councillor Hodges and the local volunteers for this work. c) Kelso Clean up – Volunteers required - 6 July 2014 The Secretary reminded Councillors Cllr Dean Weatherston was organising a Summer Clean Up in the Town Centre on Sunday 6th July. Volunteers were required and they should meet in the Square at 6:30pm to pick up litter around the main streets and car parks. The Provost asked the Secretary to contact the Southern Reporter and information would be provided on the Kelso Community Council Facebook Page. Correspondence/ Secretary’s Report The Secretary advised correspondence had been circulated to Community Councillors during the month and she had compiled a summary schedule which would be attached to the minutes as an Appendix. In addition the following correspondence was received – Resilience Communities– it was noted the revised meeting scheduled for 10 June had been stood down. Local Community Paths Maintenance Grant – it was noted a SBC grant is available up to the value of £450 for local path maintenance and improvements. The Secretary was advised to forward details to Keith Robeson to action. Kelso Laddies’ Association – an invitation had been received inviting Councillors to the Laying of Wreath at the War Memorial at 6pm followed by a Church Service in Kelso Old and Sprouston Parish Church on Sunday 13 July at 6.30pm. Also an invitation was received to attend the Bussing Ceremony on Wednesday 16 July at 6.45 at Tait Hall. SBC Community Council Grant – the Secretary advised she had submitted the necessary paperwork to SBC for the period 2014/15. Community Councils Insurance cover – the Secretary advised she had received the Employer’s Liability certificate for the year to 31 March 2015. The Secretary advised she had been notified a local resident, David Laign, would be involved in the Queen’s Baton Relay ceremony at Coldstream on Saturday 14 June 2014. It was noted the Kelso Community Woodlands and Kelso Paths Group would be holding an extraordinary general meeting in order to determine the future of the two groups. If they are unable to elect a committee for either or both of the groups then the groups would need to be disbanded. Area Forum Report The Provost advised there had been four presentations at the last Area Forum meeting – changes to the National Health Service, update on road repairs, consultation on libraries moving to Culture Trusts and waste management and the opening of the new recycling plant in March 2015 at Kelso. The Provost advised the meeting was poorly attended. Scottish Borders Council Report a) New High School The Provost advised the plans for the new High School would be available shortly at a public meeting. He commented work would start in September 2014 and the school would be ready to open by August 2016. The Provost advised the sporting facilities at the new school had been upgraded and these would be available for public use. Councillor Scott asked for an update on the future of the current school site and Councillor Nicol advised the information was commercially sensitive but the most likely use would be for housing. He advised the original building was listed and would need to be kept. b) Memorial Garden Councillor McGrath advised he had approached the Kelso Churches Together and they had expressed enthusiastic support for the project. Councillor Nicol commented that due to budgetary constraints there would be minimum funding available for the scheme. The Provost commented he thought the Coldstream and District Community Council had a Memorial Wall and he undertook to contact them for further information. It was confirmed Councillor King was putting a business plan together and a meeting would be arranged with the Crematorium. c) Amendments to local boundaries The Community Council had been asked to confirm the Kelso Community boundary for consultation purposes. It was confirmed everything inside the Kelso speed limits should be in the Kelso ward and in the Community Council boundary. It was noted at some stage the fields across from Sainsbury would be developed, and therefore any plans should be submitted to the Kelso Community Council for comment It was agreed the boundary should go up to the half way house, (the cottage on the left half way to Heiton). d) WW1 Drumhead Service – 10 August 2014 – Edinburgh An invitation had been received for the World War One Drumhead Service on 10 August in Edinburgh. Councillors were asked to put forward nominations for the ballot which were required by close of play on Monday 16 June. e) Shedden Park toilets It was noted these toilets were now available between 8.00am and 6.00pm. It was confirmed they were on a time lock. It was noted the Police were currently looking at surveillance and were undertaking a review of the security cameras in the Town. Future Kelso It was noted the next meeting and AGM was due to take place at 7.00pm on 23 June 2014 at Abbey Row. Consideration of Plans The Council considered the following plans:- a) Erection of dwelling house at land south of Dalveen Maxwell Lane, Kelso. The Council had no objections. b) From Mr Mark Hay for external alterations to Queens Head Hotel, Bridge Street, Kelso. The Council had no objections. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of Kelso Community Council will be held in the Town Hall, Kelso on Tuesday 9 September 2014 at 7.00pm
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:12:58 +0000

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