MIRACLE MONDAY - TopicsExpress


MIRACLE MONDAY Thanksgiving Day of ’95 our youngest daughter, Joy , was 3 ½ yrs. old. It was very early in the morning. I had just put the turkey in the oven and sat down to read my bible and pray for a while before the house woke up. Joy comes in and crawls up on my lap facing me. I told her that it was thanksgiving. We began talking about all the things we were thankful for. As she listed many things including several favorite toys, I told her what we were most thankful for was Jesus. She said “Mommy Jesus died on a cross but He was not guilty”. I was surprised at how she was aware of guilt. I remembered a cartoon video we had depicting the life of Jesus. I said “That’s right.” not really expecting that she could relate to such a concept. After a few minutes of quiet she said “Mommy” I want Jesus to come into my heart. ” I was caught off guard and prayed “Lord does she really understand what she is asking?” The Holy Spirit said “Yes, listen to her heart”. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said “I want to ask Jesus to come in my heart ‘cause it is black and wash it clean and live in my heart forever”. I told her she would have to do it all by herself and mommy couldnt help her. All you have to do is pray. She immediately turned and put her little hands up to her eyes and put her head all the way down onto the couch and started praying. She asked Jesus to come in and never leave her and wash her heart clean. At the end she said “thank you Jesus, I love you!” She sat back up on my lap and the Holy Spirit said lay hands on her to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. So I did just that. When I finished praying over her she grabbed her belly and giggled. I said “What is it?” She said “it’s Jesus, He just moved in!” I asked the Lord about speaking in tongues for her. The Lord said “She will, just wait”. Later that day we went to see our family and she was telling everyone all about Jesus moving into her heart. That Saturday we had attended a wedding of our pastor’s son. On the way home were talking to a friend that had come in town for the wedding and was staying with us. We were saying what a beautiful wedding it was and stuff like that. Then all of a sudden in the background we could here Joy singing. She did that all the time but this was different. She wasnt singing in English. She was looking out the window and singing in a heavenly language and the glory of God filled the car. Harvey and I were speechless with tears running down our faces we just listened. Our friend said she had never heard a child so young sing in the Spirit. She continued singing as she grew up. She is now our worship pastor. The anointing upon her life has grown and will continue to bring the glory of heaven to earth. I am so thankful that all of our daughters were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit when they were young. I don’t know if 3 ½ is too young but it was God’s plan for Joy along the way. !
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:06:32 +0000

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