MIRIAHS CHRISTMAS WISH . . . WELCOME HOME SGT LEE As the rain turned to drizzle and the moon parted the evening clouds, Overly’s Country Christmas hosted an unforgettable event Saturday evening. The room was aglow with lights and hard-to-hide excitement. Wisps of pine, vintage toys, anticipation, candy, secrets. A regal throne containing a man with sparkling eyes. A little girl, just as the children before her did, walked up to Santa and took a seat on his lap. Shyly, like most kids, she tepidly spoke, responding nervously to his ice-breakers. With each second that passed, she opened up a tiny bit more. The duo exchanged a myriad of words, hers, however brief. Nonchalant words. Idle chit-chat. Then, it was time for the big guns. Santa asked her what he should bring her for Christmas. She wanted her Daddy home from Afghanistan. Looking on, the girl’s mother attempted to mute her sobs. The child did not notice. And Santa said, “Close your eyes real tight and believe.” The doors to Santa’s Workshop opened. Standing behind them, a uniformed man, wiping tears away so he could watch as his daughter pined for him. All of the war, all of the destruction, all that he had experienced, all of this was instantly erased by the deafening silence of a little girl’s hope. Her eyelids sprung open like rolling blinds. The sight of her father filled her eyes like the morning sun fills a room. “Daddy!” the silence was broken. Murmurs, gasps, clapping, sobs, smiles and tears consumed everyone: everyone inside, the group of spectators gathered outside, the father, the mother, the volunteers, Santa. Everyone. Everyone. Sweet Miriah had gotten her wish. She didn’t forget Santa. She turned to embrace him tightly, whispering softly in his ear, “Thank you Santa for making my Christmas Wish come true”. Elizabeth and Sgt. Brian Lee, along with Overly’s, had planned this reunion. Many people came to witness this event from near and far. And many people worked in secret to make this event possible. Overly’s would like to thank those involved with making Miriah’s Christmas wish come true. It was truly an honor to be able to take part in such a touching moment. A moment that a child, a family, will never forget. And a moment that Overly’s will always treasure.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:09:07 +0000

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