MISCONCEPTIONS:PRICE FOR THE ANOINTING I have heard many preachers talk about cost or price one has to pay for the anointing or spiritual breakthrough. By saying cost,they mean processes that requires self-denial,consecration,fasting and prayer,submission and absolute obedience to God. So,on our part,they are price we must pay because these are processes that aids spiritual maturity and growth. They share their personal experiences on how they went through these processes and it has helped many of us who are young people to know what to do when going through similar experiences. As helpful as this is,many of us have taken wrong decisions based on the spiritual experience shared by a preacher,forgetting that our spiritual experiences may be similar but not the same,because the individual assignment God gives to us determines the spiritual experiences He takes us through. Evangelist Reinhard Bonke once wrotePeople asked me Reinhard,what price did you pay for your gift,I saidIf I had paid a price for it,then it wouldnt be a gift,it would have been a purchase. I strongly agree with this! Christ has paid the price by dying on the cross,if we have to pay another price,then what Christ did on the cross was incomplete,and since this is not so,everything we receive and become in Christ is a gift of grace to us. These processes are our own way of partnering with the Holy Spirits works in us,so it may seem like a price we have to pay but in the real sense of it,it is not what we do by ourselves. Looking at the epistles of Paul to the church in Corinth and Philipi,he shared some of his experience with them: the success,the challenges,and hardships he faced as a minister of the gospel but never did he accord his ability to survive these conditions to himself but to the finished work of grace(Philippians chapter 3 in particular),his confidence was not in self but Christ. From the way some preachers boast about theprice they have paid,some of us get scared and take decisions out of desperation without considering directions from the Holy Spirit. Someone once said to me Can I pay the price these ministers pay?,and I repliedPaying the price is not what you do,it is what Christ has done. You only have to submit yourself to the finished work of Christ,what do I mean by this? For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasurePhilippians 2:13.(KJV). For God is at work within you,helping you want to obey Him,and then helping you do what He wants(TLB). From the above scriptural verse,it reveals that the will:desire,willingness,and the power or ability to do what pleases God whether in our daily living,our purpose or ministry,does not come from us but from God. For example,everything seems to be normal until a certain time,you suddenly notice that there is an unusual hunger for God in you,you pray like never before and meditate greatly on the scripture. You may not be able to explain the reason for this change but you know it is happening. This change is occurring not because you want it,but because the Holy Spirit is working in you to confront your complacent spiritual state. This He does by creating a desire in you for more of God. The more your spirit submit to Him,the more He empowers you,causing you to grow up spiritually. Same thing He does in all aspects of our lives,He is the source of the anointing,so the will and the power to go through every necessary process will also come from Him. The word comforter is from the Greek word PARAKELETOS meaningcalled alongside to assist,this is who the Holy Spirit is: a comforter that works in us and through us. So in Him,we dont pay any price but receive grace to desire and do what pleases God. So when He saysfast,you fast,when He sayspray,you pray,all that He demands from you is instant obedience and total submission to Him. So,when a preacher share his/her experience with you,learn from it but never let it replace personal instructions from the Holy Spirit. I write this to enlighten young ones like myself. I covet the grace or anointing of God in your life sir/ma,this is one statement that is common with us when we witness the ministrations of men and women of God. Please,be careful what you wish for,first be sure of the source of the anointing! Some have been deceived to believing that giving to ministers of God is an automatic way to been a carrier of the anointing they have,we call it sowing seed,be reminded that unbelievers gives to them too,will they automatically become carriers of the anointing too? Anyone(unbeliever or believer) that gives to a minister of God,he or she will receive the reward,he/she becomes a beneficiary of the anointing,this does make him/her an automatic carrier of the anointing. I believe in transference of anointing from one person to another,but the source of the anointing(The Holy Spirit) is greater than the medium of transfer,so seek the source not the medium,2 Corinthians 1:21-22 affirms this,it saysBut it is God who establishes us together with you in Christ and who ANOINTED us, who also sealed us and gave us the SPIRIT in our hearts as a down payment. Reasonable contributions and necessary corrections are highly welcomed. Thanks.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:22:53 +0000

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