MISPLACED PRIORITIES AND A MURDERED DESTINY. 10 years ago,a certain young lady was hell bent on traveling abroad. Europe to be precise and finally she got an invitation from a friend through another friend and was issued a swiss visa with a duration of 6months. In her own words,she was in search of greener pastures and a better life. She believed her destiny couldnt be fulfiled in her own country. Even with no form of higher educational qualification what so ever. Only hustle 6months passed and the visa expired,now living in switzerland as an illegal immigrant with no residential permit or work permit. Working in 2 or more odd jobs. Squating from one accomodtion to another. Toiling 18hours a day. Yet unable to send anything back home. Still hustling Meanwhile back home most of her age group and friends are now skilled and even graduates, employed in good jobs or even self employed. Living comfortably and traveling all over the world on company expenses or on their own personal expenses. While shes still hustling and toiling. 10 years pass and the law finally catches up with her. Shes deported with nothing to show for it. 10 good years of her life is wasted. Misplaced priorities. Miserable and dejected. The only thing that changed in her life was just her location. Why chasing shadows instead of reality? Destiny can be likened to a peach seed. If you dont plant it and water it consistently,it wont grow and bear fruits. A change of location wont do that for you. Location doesnt determine success because you can achieve anything anywhere. It all depends on the individual. Dont get me wrong, traveling out is a good thing. But traveling out with the wrong mentality is disastrous. Misplaced priorities is the perfect recipe for failure. May the good Lord grant us wisdom in taking the right decisions at the right time.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:04:50 +0000

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