MISSING AUTHORITY & TEACHER BIAS Lynch house last - TopicsExpress


MISSING AUTHORITY & TEACHER BIAS Lynch house last night... Youngest son: I have to write a one paragraph opinion about why Putin is heading towards a takeover of Ukraine and Crimea, and what impact it will have on the world. ME: Heres one time when Ill do your homework for you solely for the sake that when you read this to the class they understand the truth. [I take pen to paper] When my dad is home theres no way my brother, my two sisters or I would dare to cause chaos for mom, who is a gentle soul. When my dad works on the weekends we create a little bit of chaos but nothing mom cant handle on her own. When dad travels for a week or more, chaos erupts until he returns. But if my dad was to go missing forever -- if we knew he was no longer a presence and there was no fear of punishment being handed down upon us -- then our entire house would go into complete chaos. Fact is, without an authoritative figure to keep us in line were going to do whatever we want to do. My mom would try to fill dads shoes, but its not her personality and so her verbal threats would fall on deaf ears. Now imagine President George Bush being my dad and President Obama being my mom. Putin, Iran, China and North Korea are my 3 siblings and me. The world goes into chaos. SON: My teacher wont like this dad, she is a big Obama fan. ME: If you get a failing grade, dont worry, I wont punish you. Ill post it on Facebook for a regrading.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:54:08 +0000

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