(MISSION POSSIBLE!) And this gospel of the kingdom shall be - TopicsExpress


(MISSION POSSIBLE!) And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.(MATTHEW 24:14) What gospel? The death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is only ONE way to heaven ... through Jesus Christ our LORD. In the Book of John, He said, I AM the way, the truth, and the life. Every person in the world will hear the Truth ... It is: Mission Possible! Every soul will have a choice to accept or deny the salvation of the One true God, Jesus Christ. What is the salvation message for all the world in this destined year of 2014? Repentance, baptism in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance (ACTS 2:38, ACTS 8, ACTS 10, ACTS 19). You say, Well, I believe in the LORD Jesus Christ, but I have never spoken in tongues. There is more for You! How do you know if the Spirit of Jesus Christ is living in You? You will speak with other tongues, or a language you have never learned, when His Spirit enters Your body. Why is this important? But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.(ROMANS 8:11) What is this, Quicken? you ask. This is referring to the Rapture, or the catching away of the Church, before the great and terrible judgment falls upon the earth, as stated in the Book of Revelation.. (I CORINTHIANS 15:52 and I THESSALONIANS 4:13-17) And the gospel must first bepreached to all nations.(MARK 13:10) Light is coming to the world. What? The Light of the gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ will fill the earth, and the year 2014 is a good time to do it! How is that even possible? you ask. It has never been more possible! Technology, in its vast knowledge of growth, takes us around the world twice, and more, in a mere matter of seconds! The Apostle Paul would be thrilled to live in our day, and he would use every means available to reach each beating heart in planet earth. Is it possible that in every Nation, people would worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? The Mission ... IS possible ... The hunger grows with each shake and quake of planet earth. Whats happening? People must realize their need for a Savior, and His love is drawing them with a nudge here and a push there ... The God of the universe is not willing that any be left behind; it is His desire that all repent, be filled with His Spirit, and be baptized in His name. The hand that reaches for Jesus Christ will never be turned away! He is not willing that any should be lost or perish. No matter where you are in the world, no matter what you have been taught, no matter what your deep beliefs may be ... If YOU reach for Jesus Christ, He will respond and take your hand! Once you give your life to Him, He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He is THE God who will hold you, love you, forgive you, carry you, be merciful toward you, bless you, and redeem you, if you just ask ... He is just a whisper away ... Ask Him to fill you with the fire on the altar, the Holy Spirit ... and He will ... You will speak in a language that you never learned when His Spirit enters your body. Its beautiful and glorious; you will feel His love, His presence, and He will protect you, lead you and guide you into all truths.Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.(REVELATION 3:10) How does one endure patiently? How do believers in Jesus Christ walk the walk and talk the talk? Are we once saved always saved? No! Paul said that he kept his body under subjection lest that he, after having preached to others, should become a castaway. This life in Jesus Christ requires continual repentance, day by day. Jesus said, Occupy until I come. How do we occupy? Does the world have respect for the God we serve by the God they see in us? It all comes down to the fire on the altar. What? We cannot approach fire without getting burned. It speaks of holiness, purity, cleansing, and moving into a place of Holy consecration. It is a posture of humility and holiness, where the only thing left standing with its hands raised in worship, is an empty vessel consumed only with His Spirit! The powerful and mighty word Endure actually means to SURVIVE! The world is heating up with turmoil, wars and rumors of wars, fires of discord all around the earth, but many of the fires on the altars of God have gone out. Those altars miss the sacrifices that fall on their faces and bathe it with repentant worshipful tears. Those altars miss the arms raised without inhibition in flailing hunger with soulful strains of Holy, Holy, Holy. Ah, the altar ... the Holy place that shows acceptance by cascading heaven-sent fire ...Can the world get Gods attention and bring His approval one more time? Is there a sacred place of Gods presence that will burn so long and so hot that it reaches all around the world? Could it be possible? Oh Yeah, the fire that will fill the whole earth, Spirit upon all flesh, Holy Spirit fire in every Nation, kindred and tongue, Mission Possible is happening now! (SHALOM)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:37:23 +0000

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