MISSION TO ALL THE WORLD.. (And this gospel of the kingdom shall - TopicsExpress


MISSION TO ALL THE WORLD.. (And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come, Matthew 24:14). TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND ALL LOVERS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.. SHALOM and Greetings in the Name that is Above all names Yeshua Hamessiah Jesus Christ The Son Of The Only True And Living GOD. I am writing and asking you today by the Leading Of The HOLY SPIRIT to join me and support me in our MISSION TO ALL THE WORLD Gospel campaigns and crusades and outreaches. THIS IS GOD’S MANDATE, TO PREACH THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM IN ALL THE WORLD AS A WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS BEFORE THE COIMNG OF OUR LORD, SAVIOUR AND KING YESHUA HAMESSIAH JESUS CHRIST. GOD’S HEARTBEAT IS SOULS, SOULS, SOULS, SOULS. And He has given me the same Heartbeat, His Heartbeat. For this purpose I am created and for this purpose I am born, and for this purpose He had Called me and Chosen me in His Kingdom, FOR SOULS, SOULS, SOULS, SOULS. THIS IS MY DESTINY. HE HAD GIVEN ME LOVE AND OVERWHELMING AND DEEPER HUNGER FOR SOULS. THIS IS MY DESTINY AND MY LIFE AND I HAVE NO OTHER LIFE OR OPTION. THIS IS MY LIFE AND I MUST COMPLETE AND FULFILL IT. WE ARE TAKING THIS GOSPEL TO ALL THE WORLD. WE HAVE OPEN DOORS NOW IN ALL THE CONTINENTS, IN MEXICO AND LATIN AMERICA, NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE, EVEN IN MUSLIM AND HINDU AND BUDDHIST NATIONS AND THE MIDDLE EAST AND ISRAEL. India, Pakistan, Philippines, Rusia, China, Indonesia, so many Nations in Africa ETC. In the Amplified Bible, GOD’S WORD SAYS IN PROVERBS 29:18: Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]—blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he. I want you to understand that VISION AND PEOPLE are very important. Without VISION the PEOPLE perish. But the VISION can not be completed or fulfilled without the PEOPLE. Which means that without the PEOPLE the VISION will also perish. So the VISION AND PEOPLE ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO GOD. THIS IS GOD’S MANDATE AND COMMISSION AND VISION. PLEASE JOIN TODAY AND SUPPORT WITH YOUR PRAYER AND FINANCES.. YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT IN GOD’S ENDTIME HARVEST OF SOULS. GOD NEEDS YOU AND THE RESOURCES HE HAS GIVEN YOU FOR HIS KINGDOM. PLEASE PRAY AND GIVE TODAY. WE WILL GIVE YOU THE RESULTS AND DETAILED INFORMATION OF EVERY SEED YOU SOW TODAY IN THIS HARVEST FIELD OF SOULS. WHEN YOU SOW, YOU WILL READ AND HARVEST IN ABUNDANCE. ITS HARVEST TIME. PRAY AND GIVE TODAY IN FAITH. Those living in United States of America, Israel. Europe, Asia and other Nations: Here is the Bank Account information: ACCOUNT NAME: CLETUS HARRISON.. CHECKING ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT NUMBER: 325014992342.. BANK OF AMERICA, REDLANDS CALIFORNIA. ROUTE NUMBER: 121000358.. SWIFT: BOFAUS3N.. Those living in Mexico and in Mexico City Mexico: Here is the Bank Account information: ACCOUNT NAME: CLETUS HARRISON.. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4046755153.. BANCO HSBC. Those living in Panama and Panama City Panama: Here is the Bank Account information: ACCOUNT NAME: CLETUS HARRISON.. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 03-72-01-083205-7.. BANCO GENERAL.. Those living in Nigeria: Here is the Bank Account information: ACCOUNT NAME: DIVINE PRAYER MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 236228900110.. GUARANTY TRUST BANK GTB. As you obey GOD today and sow your Financial Seed, GOD will complete and fulfill the number Four (4) Law of Harvest in your life. GOD WILL MEET YOUR NEED ACCORDING TO HIS UNLIMITED, IMMEASURABLE SUPPLY (PHILIPPIANS 4:10-19). AMEN. HELP US TODAY TO REACH ALL THE WORLD AND THE UNREACHED FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. BLESSINGS. YOUR BROTHER AND FRIEND IN HIM FOR EVER, DR. CLETUS HARRISON. (President Divine Prayer Ministries WorldWide).
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 23:24:45 +0000

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