MITA HAS A CHILD WITH AUTISM AND IS ONE OF MY HEROES! From Bears Barry Neil Kaufman (Son-Rise Program Co-Founder) -- Mita has a child with autism. Mita changed herself and her life to help her son. MITA IS ONE OF MY HEROES. I think shell be a hero for you as well. Please read and share. Hi, Bears, A BIG shout out for the Son-Rise Program!!! It rocks! After running a part time program for 10 months for my 8yr old son – today, we had a BIG breakthrough this evening. He performed in his school spring concert with other 65 children on the stage. This is his mainstream class and he was in the middle of top risers standing tall and sang all 5 songs proudly. He blended in with other children. The auditorium was filled up by a huge crowd of parents and he was searching for us as he entered the stage. He pointed to us and we waved to him letting him know we were there to celebrate for him. Since last August, we are having lot of breakthroughs!! He started eating broccoli, spinach and other fruits and vegetables, started liking brushing his teeth which was a nightmare for us, initiating spontaneous conversation, telling us jokes and the list goes on!! But today it was a HUGE deal, performing in front of a big crowd without any support. Thank you for giving us the courage to DREAM BIG, thank you for showing us THE ROAD MAP, thank you for making us believe that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. We are extremely grateful to your entire staff and the Autism Treatment Center of America for making this possible. Words cant express our gratitude and thankfulness. Virtual high fives to your entire staff, the most beautiful people on the earth. Big hugs from us, Mita Bhattacharya #autism #thesonriseprogram #hope
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 04:30:01 +0000

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