MIXER FORMAT The following details will help you have effective - TopicsExpress


MIXER FORMAT The following details will help you have effective and profitable mixers. Over time, the following steps will become second nature. Focus on connecting with people who want what we have, and booking mixers off of mixers. Above all, have fun! Preparing: If this is your first mixer, talk to your mentor about what you will need to have ready and what they will bring. Mixers run well if the following is ready to go: - 16 ounce plastic cups for Spark - Canister of your favorite flavor Spark - Ice - Blender - ThermoPlus - TV/DVD player: please check to make sure that remote works for changing DVD channels - Fun, appropriate music - Product Display - Easle /White Board/markers/eraser - Bonus Structure/Income Disclosure/Product Essentials Brochure/Opportunity Brochure on each seat - Visuals (ie. Open Impact magazines, simple framed stories from Impact magazines) - Fat Blob - Product Packages Form - New Client Information Form/Product Instructions Pages/Measurement Sheets (Have on hand – not out) - Entry Level Form (Have on hand – not out) Inviting: Let people know a few things when you invite them: - Your story and excitement about the product/business (and, stories of people you have helped: “My friend Bob has lost 20 lbs in 30 days!”) - They’ll be able to sample some products and find out more about everything AdvoCare has to offer. - They don’t have to buy anything. - You’ll respect their time. Mixer is about an hour – start to finish. Timing: - For weeknights, tell guests the mixer starts at 7:30pm; sample and chat in kitchen until you formally begin at 7:40ish; end the mixer at 8:30 so guests can buy products and leave. - Spend time with those who chose to stay. - On Saturdays, 11:00am is an ideal start time. - Set up should be complete 30 minutes prior to mixer in case of early guests. Room Set Up: - If children are welcome, have someone designated to watch them in a play room or bedroom. - Have music playing when guests arrive (not TV!). Have it loud enough to be a “fun” atmosphere, but at a volume where people can feel comfortable engaging in conversation. - Only AdvoCare products should be out for sample (no food please). - Position mixer presentation & products near/on coffee table near television/dvd player. This is where the mixer will take place (if it’s a tight/intimate room, presenter should be on a stool or on knees, don’t stand/hover over people). - Keep product display simple (ie. Step 1, Step 2 in groups…or, 1 Spark canister, 1 Spark box, 1 Slam, 1 Herbal Cleanse, 1 Max Appetite/Max Energy MNS, 1 Catalyst, 1 ThermoPlus, 1 Meal Replacement Shakes.. plus 1 Muscle Fuel, 1 Muscle Gain, 1 Post-Workout Recovery if athletes are there – gauge your group for what they want, just keep it very simple. When Guests Arrive: Follow this to a “T” - “Hang” in the kitchen for a few minutes for conversation and Spark/ThermoPlus. - Try to talk about other things besides AdvoCare. You are learning things about the people at the mixer. - Spark/ThermoPlus everybody immediately! Don’t ask if they want it. Hand them the cup of Spark, put 1 or 2 ThermoPlus in their hand and say “This is what you came for.You will love it!” - If they ask if it will keep them up, say “You are going to love the way you feel. And, if you are up later, I want you to think of everybody you know that needs to feel this great at 3:00 in the afternoon!” - If they ask what ThermoPlus is, simply say “It’s a booster! I use it everyday!” Mixer Intro/Start: - Welcome: Host shares product/business story. - At this point the host either performs the mixer or turns it over to their sponsor or a guest presenter by introducing as the “person helping them.” - Discuss Company Legacy: Charlie Ragus’ vision (cutting-edge products, income opportunity), 15 year history, “Direct Selling by Design”, etc Share *4 RELATIONSHIPS people can have with AdvoCare. Write out on whiteboard as you talk. 1. Retail Customer – Purchase products at full price. We help you get results. 2. Wholesale Customer ($50.00/yr Member, 20%-40% discount) – Quality product/discount price. 3. Hobby (some people chose to earn a couple hundred bucks per month $200 - $500/realistic) 4. Advisor / Business Builder (share that you’re an Advisor who retails product AND helps people build an income) - Let people know whatever relationship they chose is OK, that you will respect and serve them there. - Let them know that by the end of the night, they will know which way they “fit in.” - Share that you will show people how to get to a 40% discount later on in the evening. Mixer Body: **Stories, stories, stories! “ Facts tell, stories sell.” - “Most people see a product, and want to know 2 things…Are they safe? Do they work? I am going to show you that our products are safe and work…through this DVD.” 1. Weight & Wellness Testimonies – Choose stories relevant to your guests. 2. Endorser Testimony 3. Scentific/Medical Advisory Board - Play one - Say a few things about a few that you know about. “Our doctors take care of the formulations and ingredients, we trust them. Our job is on the sales and consulting end.” “Our doctors are what separate us from the pack.” - “Wow. No doubt…our products are safe, and they work.” “ - “Let’s go over a few of our core products.” 1. Focus on the key products: relate product stories to your audience (Step 1 & 2, Core 4, Energy Bundles) 2. Keep product description simple: what they will do for a person – what they have done for you! - “I told you at the start that I was going to show you both sides of AdvoCare…You can imagine…that with products like these…there is a great opportunity to earn income if you choose.” - ”Before I show you our pay plan, let’s have a little fun.” (Optional) White Board: “What Would You Do With an Extra $800.00/month?” - “There are a lot of great things on that board…AdvoCare could help you get those things. - On White Board show 5 Ways To Get Paid (have people look at Bonus paper on seat) or use DVD section - Draw out simple blueprint to show simplicity of $800.00 with 30 customers @ 100.00/month purchase - Add 3 business builders through 3 generations to explain $10,000/month - Talk about the Income Disclosure Statement (point out Gold 3-Star income/months to achieve…then doubling of income in 6 months to Ruby). Mixer Close: - Use DVD to show ”what is possible with AdvoCare/what has happened for others.” – Pick a Success Story, Hall of fame story, or The AdvoCare Opportunity clip. - If you use the AdvoCare Opportunity clip to close let people know that they “are going to see some great statistics that they will relate to or know someone that would relate to them.” - Close with your vision, your team vision, and the company vision. - Paint a picture of the current market & opportunity. Last 5 years of their life…next 5 years…AdvoCare can be your solution for health or income. - Officially end the mixer with a CALL TO ACTION: “We want to encourage you to get started tonight. Please check products of interest (hand out product interest form), which of the 4 Relationships makes the most sense for you, and if you’ll host your own mixer.” - We will stay right here to show people who are interested how to get to 40% (or show whole group depending on how the night has gone!). - Help everyone you can get into the system or on products that night. Get all phone numbers for follow up.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 02:49:40 +0000

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